Source code for chainer.computational_graph

import heapq

from chainer import function
from chainer import variable

_var_style = {'shape': 'octagon', 'fillcolor': '#E0E0E0', 'style': 'filled'}
_func_style = {'shape': 'record', 'fillcolor': '#6495ED', 'style': 'filled'}

class DotNode(object):
    """Node of the computational graph, with utilities for dot language.

    This class represents a node of computational graph,
    with some utilities for dot language.

        node: :class: `Variable` object or :class: `Function` object.
        attribute (dict): Attributes for the node.
        show_name (bool): If `True`, the `name` attribute of the node is added
            to the label. Default is `True`.


    def __init__(self, node, attribute=None, show_name=True):
        assert isinstance(node, (variable.Variable, function.Function))
        self.node = node
        self.id_ = id(node)
        self.attribute = {'label': node.label}
        if isinstance(node, variable.Variable):
            if show_name and hasattr(node, 'name') and is not None:
                self.attribute['label'] = '{}: {}'.format(
          , self.attribute['label'])
            self.attribute.update({'shape': 'oval'})
            self.attribute.update({'shape': 'box'})
        if attribute is not None:

    def label(self):
        """The text that represents properties of the node.

            string: The text that represents the id and attributes of this

        attributes = ["%s=\"%s\"" % (k, v) for (k, v)
                      in self.attribute.items()]
        return "%s [%s];" % (self.id_, ",".join(attributes))

[docs]class ComputationalGraph(object): """Class that represents computational graph. .. note:: We assume that the computational graph is directed and acyclic. Args: nodes (list): List of nodes. Each node is either :class:`Variable` object or :class:`Function` object. edges (list): List of edges. Each edge consists of pair of nodes. variable_style (dict): Dot node style for variable. function_style (dict): Dot node style for function. rankdir (str): Direction of the graph that must be TB (top to bottom), BT (bottom to top), LR (left to right) or RL (right to left). remove_variable (bool): If `True`, :class:`~chainer.Variable`s are removed from the resulting computational graph. Only :class:`~chainer.Function`s are shown in the output. show_name (bool): If `True`, the `name` attribute of each node is added to the label of the node. Default is `True`. .. note:: The default behavior of :class:`~chainer.ComputationalGraph` has been changed from v1.23.0, so that it ouputs the richest representation of a graph as default, namely, styles are set and names of functions and variables are shown. To reproduce the same result as previous versions (<= v1.22.0), please specify `variable_style=None`, `function_style=None`, and `show_name=False` explicitly. """ def __init__(self, nodes, edges, variable_style=_var_style, function_style=_func_style, rankdir='TB', remove_variable=False, show_name=True): self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges self.variable_style = variable_style self.function_style = function_style if rankdir not in ('TB', 'BT', 'LR', 'RL'): raise ValueError('rankdir must be in TB, BT, LR or RL.') self.rankdir = rankdir self.remove_variable = remove_variable self.show_name = show_name def _to_dot(self): """Converts graph in dot format. `label` property of is used as short description of each node. Returns: str: The graph in dot format. """ ret = 'digraph graphname{rankdir=%s;' % self.rankdir if self.remove_variable: self.nodes, self.edges = _skip_variable(self.nodes, self.edges) for node in self.nodes: assert isinstance(node, (variable.Variable, function.Function)) if isinstance(node, variable.Variable): if not self.remove_variable: ret += DotNode( node, self.variable_style, self.show_name).label else: ret += DotNode(node, self.function_style, self.show_name).label drawn_edges = [] for edge in self.edges: head, tail = edge if (isinstance(head, variable.Variable) and isinstance(tail, function.Function)): head_attr = self.variable_style tail_attr = self.function_style elif (isinstance(head, function.Function) and isinstance(tail, variable.Variable)): head_attr = self.function_style tail_attr = self.variable_style else: if not self.remove_variable: raise TypeError('head and tail should be the set of ' 'Variable and Function') else: head_attr = self.function_style tail_attr = self.function_style head_node = DotNode(head, head_attr, self.show_name) tail_node = DotNode(tail, tail_attr, self.show_name) edge = (head_node.id_, tail_node.id_) if edge in drawn_edges: continue ret += "%s -> %s;" % edge drawn_edges.append(edge) ret += "}" return ret
[docs] def dump(self, format='dot'): """Dumps graph as a text. Args: format(str): The graph language name of the output. Currently, it must be 'dot'. Returns: str: The graph in specified format. """ if format == 'dot': return self._to_dot() else: NotImplementedError('Currently, only dot format is supported.')
def _skip_variable(nodes, edges): func_edges = [] for edge_i, edge in enumerate(edges): head, tail = edge if isinstance(head, variable.Variable): if head.creator is not None: head = head.creator else: continue if isinstance(tail, variable.Variable): for node in nodes: if isinstance(node, function.Function): for input_var in node.inputs: if input_var is tail: tail = node break if isinstance(tail, function.Function): break else: continue func_edges.append((head, tail)) return nodes, func_edges
[docs]def build_computational_graph( outputs, remove_split=True, variable_style=_var_style, function_style=_func_style, rankdir='TB', remove_variable=False, show_name=True): """Builds a graph of functions and variables backward-reachable from outputs. Args: outputs(list): nodes from which the graph is constructed. Each element of outputs must be either :class:`Variable` object or :class:`Function` object. remove_split(bool): It must be ``True``. This argument is left for backward compatibility. variable_style(dict): Dot node style for variable. Possible keys are 'shape', 'color', 'fillcolor', 'style', and etc. function_style(dict): Dot node style for function. rankdir (str): Direction of the graph that must be TB (top to bottom), BT (bottom to top), LR (left to right) or RL (right to left). remove_variable (bool): If `True`, :class:`~chainer.Variable`s are removed from the resulting computational graph. Only :class:`~chainer.Function`s are shown in the output. show_name (bool): If `True`, the `name` attribute of each node is added to the label of the node. Default is `True`. Returns: ComputationalGraph: A graph consisting of nodes and edges that are backward-reachable from at least one of ``outputs``. If ``unchain_backward`` was called in some variable in the computational graph before this function, backward step is stopped at this variable. For example, suppose that computational graph is as follows:: |--> f ---> y x --+ |--> g ---> z Let ``outputs = [y, z]``. Then the full graph is emitted. Next, let ``outputs = [y]``. Note that ``z`` and ``g`` are not backward-reachable from ``y``. The resulting graph would be following:: x ---> f ---> y See :class:`TestGraphBuilder` for details. .. note:: The default behavior of :class:`~chainer.ComputationalGraph` has been changed from v1.23.0, so that it ouputs the richest representation of a graph as default, namely, styles are set and names of functions and variables are shown. To reproduce the same result as previous versions (<= v1.22.0), please specify `variable_style=None`, `function_style=None`, and `show_name=False` explicitly. """ if not remove_split: raise ValueError('remove_split=False is not supported anymore') cands = [] seen_edges = set() nodes = set() push_count = [0] # This class is for object that has not been implemented __eq__ class HashableObject(object): def __init__(self, v): self.v = v def __hash__(self): return self.v.__hash__() def __eq__(self, r): return self.v is r.v def add_cand(cand): heapq.heappush(cands, (-cand.rank, push_count[0], cand)) push_count[0] += 1 for o in outputs: add_cand(o) nodes.add(HashableObject(o)) while cands: _, _, cand = heapq.heappop(cands) if isinstance(cand, variable.Variable): creator = cand.creator if creator is not None and (creator, cand) not in seen_edges: add_cand(creator) seen_edges.add((creator, cand)) nodes.add(HashableObject(creator)) nodes.add(HashableObject(cand)) elif isinstance(cand, function.Function): for input_ in cand.inputs: if input_ is not cand and (input_, cand) not in seen_edges: add_cand(input_) seen_edges.add((input_, cand)) nodes.add(HashableObject(input_)) nodes.add(HashableObject(cand)) return ComputationalGraph( list(i.v for i in nodes), list(seen_edges), variable_style, function_style, rankdir, remove_variable, show_name)