Source code for chainer.cuda

"""Device, context and memory management on CuPy.

Chainer uses CuPy (with very thin wrapper) to exploit the speed of GPU
computation. Following modules and classes are imported to :mod:`cuda`
module for convenience (refer to this table when reading chainer's source

============================ =================================
 imported name                original name
============================ =================================
 ``chainer.cuda.cupy``        :mod:`cupy`
 ``chainer.cuda.ndarray``     :class:`cupy.ndarray`
 ``chainer.cuda.cupy.cuda``   :mod:`cupy.cuda`
 ``chainer.cuda.Device``      :class:`cupy.cuda.Device`
 ``chainer.cuda.Event``       :class:`cupy.cuda.Event`
 ``chainer.cuda.Stream``      :class:`cupy.cuda.Stream`
============================ =================================

Chainer replaces the default allocator of CuPy by its memory pool
implementation. It enables us to reuse the device memory over multiple
forward/backward computations, and temporary arrays for consecutive elementwise

import functools
import os
import warnings

import numpy
import six

import chainer

available = False
cudnn_enabled = False

    import cupy
    from cupy import cuda  # NOQA
    from cupy.cuda import cublas  # NOQA

    from cupy import ndarray  # NOQA

    from cupy.cuda import Device  # NOQA
    from cupy.cuda import Event  # NOQA
    from cupy.cuda import Stream  # NOQA

    from . import cuda_fusion as fusion  # NOQA

    available = True
except Exception as e:
    _resolution_error = e
    fusion = numpy

    class ndarray(object):
        pass  # for type testing

if available:
    _cudnn_disabled_by_user = int(os.environ.get('CHAINER_CUDNN', '1')) == 0
        import cupy.cudnn
        cudnn = cupy.cudnn
        cudnn_enabled = not _cudnn_disabled_by_user
    except Exception as e:
        _resolution_error = e

def init(arg=None):
        'chainer.cuda.init is deprecated. You need to call nothing to '
        'initialize your environment. Call chainer.cuda.check_cuda_available '
        'to check availability of CUDA.',

def check_cuda_available():
    """Checks if CUDA is available.

    When CUDA is correctly set up, nothing happens.
    Otherwise it raises ``RuntimeError``.
    if not available:
        msg = ('CUDA environment is not correctly set up\n'
        msg += str(_resolution_error)
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    if (not cudnn_enabled and
            not _cudnn_disabled_by_user and
            not getattr(check_cuda_available, '_already_warned', False)):
            'cuDNN is not enabled.\n'
            'Please reinstall chainer after you install cudnn\n'
        check_cuda_available._already_warned = True

class DummyDeviceType(object):

    """Dummy device class that does nothing with cupy.cuda.Device interface.

    This class is used to represent CPU device.


    id = -1

    def __int__(self):
        return -1

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

    def use(self):

    def synchronize(self):

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, DummyDeviceType)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

DummyDevice = DummyDeviceType()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global states
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if available:
    memory_pool = cuda.MemoryPool()
    pinned_memory_pool = cuda.PinnedMemoryPool()

if six.PY2:
        from future.types.newint import newint as _newint
        _integer_types = six.integer_types + (_newint,)
    except ImportError:
        _integer_types = six.integer_types
    _integer_types = six.integer_types

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global states
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_device_from_id(device_id): """Gets the device from an ID integer. Args: device_id (int or None): The ID of the device which this function returns. """ if device_id is not None: check_cuda_available() return Device(device_id) else: return DummyDevice
[docs]def get_device_from_array(*arrays): """Gets the device from a list of CuPy array or a single CuPy array. The device on which the given CuPy array reside is returned. Args: array (:class:`cupy.ndarray` or list of :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A CuPy array which this function returns the device corresponding to. If a list of :class:`cupy.ndarray`s are given, it returns the first device object of an array in the list. """ for array in arrays: if isinstance(array, ndarray) and array.device is not None: return array.device return DummyDevice
[docs]def get_device(*args): """Gets the device from a device object, an ID integer or an array object. .. note:: This API is deprecated. Please use :method:`cupy.cuda.get_device_from_id` or :method:`cupy.cuda.get_device_from_array` instead. This is a convenient utility to select a correct device if the type of ``arg`` is unknown (i.e., one can use this function on arrays that may be on CPU or GPU). The returned device object supports the context management protocol of Python for the *with* statement. Args: args: Values to specify a GPU device. The first device object, integer or :class:`cupy.ndarray` object is used to select a device. If it is a device object, it is returned. If it is an integer, the corresponding device is returned. If it is a CuPy array, the device on which this array reside is returned. If any arguments are neither integers nor CuPy arrays, a dummy device object representing CPU is returned. Returns: Device object specified by given ``args``. .. seealso:: See :class:`cupy.cuda.Device` for the device selection not by arrays. """ warnings.warn('get_device is deprecated. Please use get_device_from_id or' ' get_device_from_array instead.', DeprecationWarning) return _get_device(*args)
def _get_device(*args): for arg in args: if type(arg) in _integer_types: check_cuda_available() return Device(arg) if isinstance(arg, ndarray): if arg.device is None: continue return arg.device if available and isinstance(arg, Device): return arg return DummyDevice # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cupy.ndarray allocation and copy # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def to_gpu(array, device=None, stream=None): """Copies the given CPU array to specified device. Args: array: Array to be sent to GPU. device: Device specifier. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. If not ``None``, the copy runs asynchronously. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Array on GPU. If ``array`` is already on GPU, then this function just returns ``array`` without performing any copy. Note that this function does not copy :class:`cupy.ndarray` into specified device. """ check_cuda_available() with _get_device(device): array_dev = get_device_from_array(array) if == cupy.cuda.device.get_device_id(): return array if stream is not None: ret = cupy.empty_like(array) mem = None if == -1: # cpu to gpu mem = cupy.cuda.alloc_pinned_memory(array.nbytes) src = numpy.frombuffer( mem, array.dtype, array.size).reshape(array.shape) src[...] = array ret.set(src, stream) else: # gpu to gpu with array_dev: src = array.copy() event = cupy.cuda.Event() event.record() stream.wait_event(event), src.nbytes, stream) # to hold a reference until the end of the asynchronous memcpy stream.add_callback(lambda *x: None, (src, mem, ret)) return ret if == -1: return cupy.asarray(array) # Need to make a copy when an array is copied to another device return cupy.array(array, copy=True)
[docs]def to_cpu(array, stream=None): """Copies the given GPU array to host CPU. Args: array: Array to be sent to CPU. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array on CPU. If given ``array`` is already on CPU, then this function just returns ``array`` without performing any copy. """ if isinstance(array, ndarray): check_cuda_available() with get_device(array): return array.get(stream) elif isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray): return array else: raise TypeError( 'The array sent to cpu must be numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray.' '\nActual type: {0}.'.format(type(array)))
def empty(shape, dtype=numpy.float32): """Creates an uninitialized :class:`cupy.ndarray` object. Args: shape (tuple of ints): The shape of array. dtype (numpy.dtype): Element type. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Uninitialized GPU array allocated by the memory pool. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.empty is deprecated. Use cupy.empty instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() return cupy.empty(shape, dtype) def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None): """Creates a constant-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object. Args: shape (tuple of ints): The shape of array. fill_value: Constant to fill the array by. dtype (numpy.dtype): Element type. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Constant-filled GPU array allocated by the memory pool. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.full is deprecated. Use cupy.full instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None return cupy.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype) def zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None): """Creates a zero-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object. This function is equivalent to ``full(shape, 0, dtype, stream)``. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.zeros is deprecated. Use cupy.zeros instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None return cupy.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) def ones(shape, dtype=numpy.float32, stream=None): """Creates a zero-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object. This function is equivalent to ``full(shape, 1, dtype, stream)``. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.ones is deprecated. Use cupy.ones instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None return cupy.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) def empty_like(array): """Creates an uninitialized GPU array like the given one. Args: array (cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray): Base array. Returns: cupy.ndarray: GPU array of the same shape and dtype as `array`. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.empty_like is deprecated. Use cupy.empty_like instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() if isinstance(array, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.empty_like(array) return cupy.empty(array.shape, dtype=array.dtype) def full_like(array, fill_value, stream=None): """Creates a constant-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object like the given array. Args: array (cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray): Base array. fill_value: Constant value to fill the array by. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Constant-filled array. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.full_like is deprecated. Use cupy.full_like instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None if isinstance(array, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.full_like(array, fill_value) return cupy.full(array.shape, fill_value, dtype=array.dtype) def zeros_like(array, stream=None): """Creates a zero-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object like the given array. Args: array (cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray): Base array. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Zero-filled array. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.zeros_like is deprecated. Use cupy.zeros_like instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None if isinstance(array, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.zeros_like(array) return cupy.zeros(array.shape, dtype=array.dtype) def ones_like(array, stream=None): """Creates a one-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object like the given array. Args: array (cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray): Base array. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: cupy.ndarray: One-filled array. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.cuda.ones_like is deprecated. Use cupy.ones_like instead.', DeprecationWarning) check_cuda_available() assert stream is None if isinstance(array, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.ones_like(array) return cupy.ones(array.shape, dtype=array.dtype)
[docs]def copy(array, out=None, out_device=None, stream=None): """Copies a :class:`cupy.ndarray` object using the default stream. This function can copy the device array to the destination array on another device. Args: array (cupy.ndarray): Array to be copied. out (cupy.ndarray): Destination array. If it is not ``None``, then ``out_device`` argument is ignored. out_device: Destination device specifier. Actual device object is obtained by passing this value to :func:`get_device`. stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Copied array. If ``out`` is not specified, then the array is allocated on the device specified by ``out_device`` argument. """ check_cuda_available() assert stream is None # TODO(beam2d): FIX IT if out is None: if out_device is None: out_device = array with get_device(out_device): out = cupy.empty_like(array) with get_device(array): cupy.copyto(out, array) return out
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function result memoization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def memoize(for_each_device=False): """Makes a function memoizing the result for each argument and device. This is a similar version of :func:`cupy.memoize`. The difference is that this function can be used in the global scope even if CUDA is not available. In such case, this function does nothing. .. note:: This decorator acts as a dummy if CUDA is not available. It cannot be used for general purpose memoization even if ``for_each_device`` is set to False. """ if available: return cupy.memoize(for_each_device) def dummy_decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def ret(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return ret return dummy_decorator
[docs]def clear_memo(): """Clears the memoized results for all functions decorated by memoize. This function works like :func:`cupy.clear_memo` as a counterpart for :func:`chainer.cuda.memoize`. It can be used even if CUDA is not available. In such a case, this function does nothing. """ if available: cupy.clear_memo()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Kernel definition utility # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @memoize(for_each_device=True)
[docs]def elementwise(in_params, out_params, operation, name, **kwargs): """Creates an elementwise kernel function. This function uses :func:`~chainer.cuda.memoize` to cache the kernel object, i.e. the resulting kernel object is cached for each argument combination and CUDA device. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`cupy.ElementwiseKernel`, except that the ``name`` argument is mandatory. """ check_cuda_available() return cupy.ElementwiseKernel( in_params, out_params, operation, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def reduce(in_params, out_params, map_expr, reduce_expr, post_map_expr, identity, name, **kwargs): """Creates a global reduction kernel function. This function uses :func:`~chainer.cuda.memoize` to cache the resulting kernel object, i.e. the resulting kernel object is cached for each argument combination and CUDA device. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`cupy.ReductionKernel`, except that the ``name`` argument is mandatory. """ check_cuda_available() return cupy.ReductionKernel( in_params, out_params, map_expr, reduce_expr, post_map_expr, identity, name, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # numpy/cupy compatible coding # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_array_module(*args): """Gets an appropriate one from :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`cupy`. This is almost equivalent to :func:`cupy.get_array_module`. The differences are that this function can be used even if CUDA is not available and that it will return their data arrays' array module for :class:`~chainer.Variable` arguments. Args: args: Values to determine whether NumPy or CuPy should be used. Returns: module: :mod:`cupy` or :mod:`numpy` is returned based on the types of the arguments. """ if available: args = [ if isinstance(arg, chainer.Variable) else arg for arg in args] return cupy.get_array_module(*args) else: return numpy
_max_workspace_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024
[docs]def get_max_workspace_size(): """Gets the workspace size for cuDNN. Check "cuDNN Library User Guide" for detail. Returns: int: The workspace size for cuDNN. """ return _max_workspace_size
[docs]def set_max_workspace_size(size): """Sets the workspace size for cuDNN. Check "cuDNN Library User Guide" for detail. Args: size: The workspace size for cuDNN. """ global _max_workspace_size _max_workspace_size = size