Source code for chainer.functions.array.separate

from chainer.functions.array import reshape
from chainer.functions.array import split_axis

[docs]def separate(x, axis=0): """Separates an array along a given axis. This function separates an array along a given axis. For example, shape of an array is ``(2, 3, 4)``. When it separates the array with ``axis=1``, it returns three ``(2, 4)`` arrays. This function is an inverse of :func:`chainer.functions.stack`. Args: x (chainer.Variable): Variable to be separated. axis (int): Axis along which variables are separated. Returns: tuple of chainer.Variable: Output variables. .. seealso:: :func:`chainer.functions.stack` """ shape = list(x.shape) del shape[axis] ys = split_axis.split_axis(x, x.shape[axis], axis, force_tuple=True) return tuple(reshape.reshape(y, shape) for y in ys)