Source code for chainer.functions.connection.convolution_nd

import numpy

from six import moves

from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.functions.connection import convolution_2d
from chainer.utils import conv
from chainer.utils import conv_nd
from chainer.utils import type_check

if cuda.cudnn_enabled:
    cudnn = cuda.cudnn
    libcudnn = cuda.cudnn.cudnn
    _cudnn_version = libcudnn.getVersion()
    if _cudnn_version >= 4000:
        _bwd_filter_pref = \
        _bwd_data_pref = \

_check_cudnn_acceptable_type = convolution_2d._check_cudnn_acceptable_type

class ConvolutionND(function.Function):

    def __init__(self, ndim, stride=1, pad=0, use_cudnn=True, cover_all=False):
        self.ndim = ndim
        self.stride = conv_nd.as_tuple(stride, ndim)
        self.pad = conv_nd.as_tuple(pad, ndim)
        self.use_cudnn = use_cudnn
        self.cover_all = cover_all

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        n_in = in_types.size()
        type_check.expect(2 <= n_in, n_in <= 3)

        x_type = in_types[0]
        w_type = in_types[1]
            x_type.dtype.kind == 'f',
            w_type.dtype.kind == 'f',
            x_type.ndim == self.ndim + 2,
            w_type.ndim == self.ndim + 2,
            x_type.shape[1] == w_type.shape[1],

        if n_in.eval() == 3:
            b_type = in_types[2]
                b_type.dtype == x_type.dtype,
                b_type.ndim == 1,
                b_type.shape[0] == w_type.shape[0],

    def _use_cudnn(self, x, W):
        return (not self.cover_all and
                cuda.cudnn_enabled and
                self.use_cudnn and
                self.ndim > 1 and
                _check_cudnn_acceptable_type(x.dtype, W.dtype))

    def _forward_xp(self, x, W, b, xp):
        ndim = self.ndim
        ksize = W.shape[2:]
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad

        # Make patch array.
        if xp is numpy:
            self.col = conv_nd.im2col_nd_cpu(
                x, ksize, stride, pad, cover_all=self.cover_all)
            self.col = conv_nd.im2col_nd_gpu(
                x, ksize, stride, pad, cover_all=self.cover_all)

        # Compute correlation.
        axes = tuple(moves.range(1, ndim + 2))  # (1, 2, ..., N+1)
        y = xp.tensordot(self.col, W, (axes, axes)).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)

        # Apply bias if given.
        if b is not None:
            y += b

        # Roll c_O before the second in (n, y_1, y_2, ..., y_N, c_O).
        return xp.rollaxis(y, ndim + 1, 1),

    def _forward_cudnn(self, x, W, b):
        out_c = W.shape[0]      # (c_O, _, k_1, k_2, ..., k_N)
        ksize = W.shape[2:]
        n, c = x.shape[:2]      # (n, c_I, d_1, d_2, ..., d_N)
        dims = x.shape[2:]
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        ndim = self.ndim
        colon = slice(None)

        # Make empty array for result.
        outs = tuple(
            conv.get_conv_outsize(d, k, s, p, cover_all=self.cover_all)
            for (d, k, s, p) in zip(dims, ksize, stride, pad))
        assert all(out > 0 for out in outs), 'Output sizes should be positive.'
        y_shape = (n, out_c) + outs  # (n, c_O, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)
        y = cuda.cupy.empty(y_shape, dtype=x.dtype)

        # Convert to C-contiguous arrays.
        x = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(x)
        W = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(W)
        if b is not None:
            b = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(b)

        # Get cuDNN handler and descriptors.
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()
        x_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(x)
        y_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(y)

        self.filter_desc = cudnn.create_filter_descriptor(W)
        self.conv_desc = cudnn.create_convolution_descriptor(
            pad, stride, x.dtype)
        if b is not None:
            b_index = (None, colon) + (None,) * ndim
            self.bias_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(b[b_index])

        # Find cuDNN algorithm to be used.
        workspace_size = cuda.get_max_workspace_size()
        workspace = cuda.cupy.empty((workspace_size,), dtype='b')
        algo = libcudnn.getConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(
            handle, x_desc.value, self.filter_desc.value,
            self.conv_desc.value, y_desc.value, _fwd_pref,

        # cuDNN forward computation.
        oz_dtype = 'd' if x.dtype == 'd' else 'f'
        one = numpy.array(1, dtype=oz_dtype).ctypes
        zero = numpy.array(0, dtype=oz_dtype).ctypes
            handle,, x_desc.value,,
            self.filter_desc.value,, self.conv_desc.value,
            algo,, workspace_size,,

        # Add bias if given.
        # TODO(takagi) Support unshared bias
        if b is not None:
            if _cudnn_version >= 3000 or ndim == 2:
                    handle,, self.bias_desc.value,,
          , y_desc.value,
                # cuDNN v2 does not seem to support bias addition in spatial
                # dimensions other than two.
                b_index = (None, colon) + (None,) * ndim
                y += b[b_index]

        return y,

    def forward(self, inputs):
        x, W = inputs[:2]
        b = inputs[2] if len(inputs) == 3 else None

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            if b is not None:
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}, type(b): {2}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x), type(b)))
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x)))

        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            return self._forward_xp(x, W, b, numpy)
        elif not self._use_cudnn(x, W):
            return self._forward_xp(x, W, b, cuda.cupy)
            return self._forward_cudnn(x, W, b)

    def _backward_xp(self, x, W, b, gy, xp):
        dims = x.shape[2:]     # (n, c_I, d_1, d_2, ..., d_N)
        stride = self.stride
        pad = self.pad
        ndim = self.ndim

        # Compute filter weight gradient.
        # (n, _, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)
        out_axes = (0,) + tuple(moves.range(2, ndim + 2))
        # (n, _, _, ..., _, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)
        col_axes = (0,) + tuple(moves.range(ndim + 2, ndim * 2 + 2))
        gW = xp.tensordot(gy, self.col, (out_axes, col_axes)).astype(
            W.dtype, copy=False)

        # Compute patch array gradient.
        gcol = xp.tensordot(W, gy, (0, 1)).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
        gcol = xp.rollaxis(gcol, ndim + 1)

        # Compute input gradient.
        if xp is numpy:
            gx = conv_nd.col2im_nd_cpu(gcol, stride, pad, dims)
            gx = conv_nd.col2im_nd_gpu(gcol, stride, pad, dims)

        # Compute bias gradient if given and return gradients.
        if b is None:
            return gx, gW
            # (n, _, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)
            axis = (0,) + tuple(moves.range(2, ndim + 2))
            gb = gy.sum(axis=axis)
            return gx, gW, gb

    def _backward_cudnn(self, x, W, b, gy):
        # Convert to C-contiguous arrays.
        x = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(x)
        W = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(W)
        gy = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(gy)

        # Make empty arrays for result.
        gx = cuda.cupy.empty_like(x)
        gW = cuda.cupy.empty_like(W)

        # Get cuDNN handler and descriptors.
        handle = cudnn.get_handle()
        x_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(x)
        gy_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(gy)

        # Compute gradients.
        oz_dtype = 'd' if x.dtype == 'd' else 'f'
        one = numpy.array(1, dtype=oz_dtype).ctypes
        zero = numpy.array(0, dtype=oz_dtype).ctypes
        if _cudnn_version >= 4000:
            workspace_size = cuda.get_max_workspace_size()
            workspace = cuda.cupy.empty((workspace_size,), dtype='b')

            # Compute filter weight gradient.
            algo = libcudnn.getConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(
                handle, x_desc.value, gy_desc.value,
                self.conv_desc.value, self.filter_desc.value,
                _bwd_filter_pref, workspace_size)
                handle,, x_desc.value,,
                gy_desc.value,, self.conv_desc.value,
                algo,, workspace_size,
      , self.filter_desc.value,

            # Compute input gradient.
            algo = libcudnn.getConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(
                handle, self.filter_desc.value, gy_desc.value,
                self.conv_desc.value, x_desc.value, _bwd_data_pref,
                handle,, self.filter_desc.value,,
                gy_desc.value,, self.conv_desc.value,
                algo,, workspace_size,
      , x_desc.value,
            # Compute input and filter weight gradients.
                handle,, x_desc.value,,
                gy_desc.value,, self.conv_desc.value,
      , self.filter_desc.value,
                handle,, self.filter_desc.value,,
                gy_desc.value,, self.conv_desc.value,
      , x_desc.value,

        # Compute bias gradient if given and return gradients.
        if b is None:
            return gx, gW
        elif _cudnn_version >= 3000 or self.ndim == 2:
            gb = cuda.cupy.empty_like(b)
                handle,, gy_desc.value,,
      , self.bias_desc.value,
            return gx, gW, gb
            # cuDNN v2 does not seem to support bias backward in spatial
            # dimensions other than two.

            # (n, _, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)
            axis = (0,) + tuple(moves.range(2, self.ndim + 2))
            gb = gy.sum(axis=axis)
            return gx, gW, gb

    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        x, W = inputs[:2]
        b = inputs[2] if len(inputs) == 3 else None

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            if b is not None:
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}, type(b): {2}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x), type(b)))
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x)))

        gy = grad_outputs[0]    # (n, c_O, out_1, out_2, ..., out_N)

        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            return self._backward_xp(x, W, b, gy, numpy)
        elif not self._use_cudnn(x, W):
            return self._backward_xp(x, W, b, gy, cuda.cupy)
            return self._backward_cudnn(x, W, b, gy)

[docs]def convolution_nd(x, W, b=None, stride=1, pad=0, use_cudnn=True, cover_all=False): """N-dimensional convolution function. This is an implementation of N-dimensional convolution which is generalized two-dimensional convolution in ConvNets. It takes three variables: the input ``x``, the filter weight ``W`` and the bias vector ``b``. Notation: here is a notation for dimensionalities. - :math:`N` is the number of spatial dimensions. - :math:`n` is the batch size. - :math:`c_I` and :math:`c_O` are the number of the input and output channels, respectively. - :math:`d_1, d_2, ..., d_N` are the size of each axis of the input's spatial dimensions, respectively. - :math:`k_1, k_2, ..., k_N` are the size of each axis of the filters, respectively. - :math:`l_1, l_2, ..., l_N` are the size of each axis of the output's spatial dimensions, respectively. - :math:`p_1, p_2, ..., p_N` are the size of each axis of the spatial padding size, respectively. Then the ``convolution_nd`` function computes correlations between filters and patches of size :math:`(k_1, k_2, ..., k_N)` in ``x``. Note that correlation here is equivalent to the inner product between expanded tensors. Patches are extracted at positions shifted by multiples of ``stride`` from the first position ``(-p_1, -p_2, ..., -p_N)`` for each spatial axis. Let :math:`(s_1, s_2, ..., s_N)` be the stride of filter application. Then, the output size :math:`(l_1, l_2, ..., l_N)` is determined by the following equations: .. math:: l_n = (d_n + 2p_n - k_n) / s_n + 1 \ \ (n = 1, ..., N) If ``cover_all`` option is ``True``, the filter will cover the all spatial locations. So, if the last stride of filter does not cover the end of spatial locations, an addtional stride will be applied to the end part of spatial locations. In this case, the output size is determined by the following equations: .. math:: l_n = (d_n + 2p_n - k_n + s_n - 1) / s_n + 1 \ \ (n = 1, ..., N) The N-dimensional convolution function is defined as follows. Args: x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable of shape :math:`(n, c_I, d_1, d_2, ..., d_N)`. W (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Weight variable of shape :math:`(c_O, c_I, k_1, k_2, ..., k_N)`. b (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): One-dimensional bias variable with length :math:`c_O` (optional). stride (:class:`int` or :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` s): Stride of filter applications :math:`(s_1, s_2, ..., s_N)`. ``stride=s`` is equivalent to ``(s, s, ..., s)``. pad (:class:`int` or :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` s): Spatial padding width for input arrays :math:`(p_1, p_2, ..., p_N)`. ``pad=p`` is equivalent to ``(p, p, ..., p)``. use_cudnn (bool): If ``True``, then this function uses cuDNN if available. See below for the excact conditions. cover_all (bool): If ``True``, all spatial locations are convoluted into some output pixels. It may make the output size larger. `cover_all` needs to be ``False`` if you want to use cuDNN. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable of shape :math:`(n, c_O, l_1, l_2, ..., l_N)`. .. note:: This function uses cuDNN implementation for its forward and backward computation if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied: - ``cuda.cudnn_enabled`` is ``True`` - ``use_cudnn`` is ``True`` - The number of spatial dimensions is more than one. - ``cover_all`` is ``False`` - The input's ``dtype`` is equal to the filter weight's. - The ``dtype`` is FP16, FP32 or FP64. (FP16 is only available when cuDNN version :math:`\\geq` v3.) .. seealso:: :class:`~chainer.links.ConvolutionND`, :func:`convolution_2d` .. admonition:: Example >>> n = 10 >>> c_i, c_o = 3, 1 >>> d1, d2, d3 = 30, 40, 50 >>> k1, k2, k3 = 10, 10, 10 >>> p1, p2, p3 = 5, 5, 5 >>> x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, c_i, d1, d2, d3)).astype('f') >>> x.shape (10, 3, 30, 40, 50) >>> W = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (c_o, c_i, k1, k2, k3)).astype('f') >>> W.shape (1, 3, 10, 10, 10) >>> b = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (c_o)).astype('f') >>> b.shape (1,) >>> s1, s2, s3 = 2, 4, 6 >>> y = F.convolution_nd(x, W, b, stride=(s1, s2, s3),\ pad=(p1, p2, p3)) >>> y.shape (10, 1, 16, 11, 9) >>> l1 = int((d1 + 2 * p1 - k1) / s1 + 1) >>> l2 = int((d2 + 2 * p2 - k2) / s2 + 1) >>> l3 = int((d3 + 2 * p3 - k3) / s3 + 1) >>> y.shape == (n, c_o, l1, l2, l3) True >>> y = F.convolution_nd(x, W, b, stride=(s1, s2, s3),\ pad=(p1, p2, p3), cover_all=True) >>> y.shape == (n, c_o, l1, l2, l3 + 1) True """ ndim = len(x.shape[2:]) func = ConvolutionND(ndim, stride, pad, use_cudnn, cover_all) if b is None: return func(x, W) else: return func(x, W, b)