Source code for chainer.functions.math.average

from chainer.functions.array import broadcast
from chainer.functions.array import reshape
from chainer.functions.math import sum as sum_mod

[docs]def average(x, axis=None, weights=None, keepdims=False): """Calculate weighted average of array elements over a given axis. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): Elements to sum. axis (None or int): Axis which the method is performed. With the default (axis = None) it performs a mean over all the dimensions of the input array. weights (None or chainer.Variable): An array holding weights to calculate weighted average. If it is ``None``, all weights are assumed to be one. When ``axis`` is ``None``, ``weights`` must have the same shape of ``x``. And when ``axis`` is ``int``, it must be 1-D array satisfing ``weights.shape == (x.shape[axis],)``. keepdims (bool): If ``True``, the specified axes are remained as axes of length one. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. """ if weights is not None: divider = sum_mod.sum(weights) if axis is not None: if axis < 0: axis += x.ndim w_shape = [d if i == axis else 1 for i, d in enumerate(x.shape)] weights = broadcast.broadcast_to( reshape.reshape(weights, w_shape), x.shape) x = x * weights else: if axis is None: divider = x.size else: divider = x.shape[axis] x_sum = sum_mod.sum(x, axis, keepdims) if weights is not None: # We do not need to call broadcast whene weights is None because # divider here is not a Variable but a scalar divider = broadcast.broadcast_to(divider, x_sum.shape) return x_sum / divider