Source code for chainer.functions.noise.gaussian

import numpy

from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer import utils
from chainer.utils import type_check

class Gaussian(function.Function):

    """Gaussian sampling function.

    In forward calculation, this function takes mean and logarithm of variance
    as inputs, and draw a sample from a gaussian distribution.

    def __init__(self):
        self.eps = None

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        type_check.expect(in_types.size() == 2)

        m_type, v_type = in_types
            m_type.dtype == numpy.float32,
            v_type.dtype == numpy.float32,
            m_type.shape == v_type.shape,

    def forward_cpu(self, inputs):
        mean, ln_var = inputs
        if self.eps is None:
            self.eps = numpy.random.standard_normal(ln_var.shape) \

        self.noise = numpy.exp(ln_var * mean.dtype.type(0.5)) * self.eps
        return utils.force_array(mean + self.noise),

    def forward_gpu(self, inputs):
        cupy = cuda.cupy
        mean, ln_var = inputs
        if self.eps is None:
            self.eps = cupy.random.standard_normal(
                ln_var.shape, dtype=mean.dtype)

        self.noise = cuda.cupy.empty_like(mean)
        self.noise = cuda.elementwise(
            'T v, T e', 'T noise',
            'noise = exp(v / 2) * e',
        )(ln_var, self.eps)
        return mean + self.noise,

    def backward(self, inputs, grad_output):
        g, = grad_output
        return g, utils.force_array(g * self.noise * g.dtype.type(0.5))

[docs]def gaussian(mean, ln_var): """Gaussian sampling function. It takes mean :math:`\\mu` and logarithm of variance :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)` as input and output a sample drawn from gaussian :math:`N(\\mu, \\sigma)`. Args: mean (~chainer.Variable): Input variable representing mean :math:`\\mu`. ln_var (~chainer.Variable): Input variable representing logarithm of variance :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)`. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. """ return Gaussian()(mean, ln_var)