Source code for chainer.functions.pooling.spatial_pyramid_pooling_2d

import numpy
import six

from chainer import cuda
from chainer.functions.array import concat
from chainer.functions.pooling import max_pooling_2d
from chainer.functions.pooling import pooling_2d

class SpatialPyramidPooling2D(pooling_2d.Pooling2D):

    """Spatial pyramid pooling over a set of 2d planes."""

    def __init__(self, x_shape, pyramid_height, pooling_class, use_cudnn=True):
        bottom_c, bottom_h, bottom_w = x_shape
        self.pyramid_height = pyramid_height

        # create pooling functions for different pyramid levels
        out_dim = 0
        self.split_inds = []
        self.poolers = []
        for pyramid_level in six.moves.range(pyramid_height):
            num_bins = int(2 ** pyramid_level)

            ksize_h = int(numpy.ceil(bottom_h / (float(num_bins))))
            remainder_h = ksize_h * num_bins - bottom_h
            pad_h = remainder_h // 2

            ksize_w = int(numpy.ceil(bottom_w / (float(num_bins))))
            remainder_w = ksize_w * num_bins - bottom_w
            pad_w = remainder_w // 2

            ksize = (ksize_h, ksize_w)
            pad = (pad_h, pad_w)

            if pooling_class is max_pooling_2d.MaxPooling2D:
                pooler = pooling_class(ksize=ksize, stride=None, pad=pad,
                                       cover_all=True, use_cudnn=use_cudnn)
                raise NotImplementedError()

            out_dim += bottom_c * (num_bins ** 2)
            if pyramid_level < pyramid_height - 1:

    def forward(self, x):
        self.ys = []
        for pooler in self.poolers:
            y = pooler.forward(x)[0]
            n, c, h, w = pooler.out_shape = y.shape
            self.ys.append(y.reshape((n, c * h * w, 1, 1)))

        return concat.Concat(axis=1).forward(self.ys)

    def backward(self, x, gy):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*x)
        gx = xp.zeros_like(x[0])
        gys = xp.split(gy[0], self.split_inds, axis=1)
        for pooler, gy in zip(self.poolers, gys):
            gy = gy.reshape(pooler.out_shape)
            gx += pooler.backward(x, (gy,))[0]

        return gx,

[docs]def spatial_pyramid_pooling_2d(x, pyramid_height, pooling_class, use_cudnn=True): """Spatial pyramid pooling function. It outputs a fixed-length vector regardless of input feature map size. It performs pooling operation to the input 4D-array ``x`` with different kernel sizes and padding sizes, and then flattens all dimensions except first dimension of all pooling results, and finally concatenates them along second dimension. At :math:`i`-th pyramid level, the kernel size :math:`(k_h^{(i)}, k_w^{(i)})` and padding size :math:`(p_h^{(i)}, p_w^{(i)})` of pooling operation are calculated as below: .. math:: k_h^{(i)} &= \\lceil b_h / 2^i \\rceil, \\\\ k_w^{(i)} &= \\lceil b_w / 2^i \\rceil, \\\\ p_h^{(i)} &= (2^i k_h^{(i)} - b_h) / 2, \\\\ p_w^{(i)} &= (2^i k_w^{(i)} - b_w) / 2, where :math:`\\lceil \\cdot \\rceil` denotes the ceiling function, and :math:`b_h, b_w` are height and width of input variable ``x``, respectively. Note that index of pyramid level :math:`i` is zero-based. See detail in paper: `Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional \ Networks for Visual Recognition \ <>`_. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): Input variable. The shape of ``x`` should be ``(batchsize, # of channels, height, width)``. pyramid_height (int): Number of pyramid levels pooling_class (MaxPooling2D or AveragePooling2D): Only MaxPooling2D class can be available for now. use_cudnn (bool): If ``True`` and cuDNN is enabled, then this function uses cuDNN as the core implementation. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. The shape of the output variable will be :math:`(batchsize, c \\sum_{h=0}^{H-1} 2^{2h}, 1, 1)`, where :math:`c` is the number of channels of input variable ``x`` and :math:`H` is the number of pyramid levels. .. note:: This function uses some pooling classes as components to perform spatial pyramid pooling. Now it supports only :class:`~functions.MaxPooling2D` as elemental pooling operator so far. """ return SpatialPyramidPooling2D(x.shape[1:], pyramid_height, pooling_class, use_cudnn=use_cudnn)(x)