Source code for chainer.links.activation.maxout

import numpy

from chainer import cuda
from chainer.functions.activation import maxout
from chainer import link
from chainer.links.connection import linear

[docs]class Maxout(link.Chain): """Fully-connected maxout layer. Let ``M``, ``P`` and ``N`` be an input dimension, a pool size, and an output dimension, respectively. For an input vector :math:`x` of size ``M``, it computes .. math:: Y_{i} = \\mathrm{max}_{j} (W_{ij\\cdot}x + b_{ij}). Here :math:`W` is a weight tensor of shape ``(M, P, N)``, :math:`b` an optional bias vector of shape ``(M, P)`` and :math:`W_{ij\\cdot}` is a sub-vector extracted from :math:`W` by fixing first and second dimensions to :math:`i` and :math:`j`, respectively. Minibatch dimension is omitted in the above equation. As for the actual implementation, this chain has a Linear link with a ``(M * P, N)`` weight matrix and an optional ``M * P`` dimensional bias vector. Args: in_size (int): Dimension of input vectors. out_size (int): Dimension of output vectors. pool_size (int): Number of channels. wscale (float): Scaling factor of the weight matrix. initialW (3-D array or None): Initial weight value. If ``None``, then this function uses Gaussian distribution scaled by ``w_scale`` to initialize weight. initial_bias (2-D array, float or None): Initial bias value. If it is float, initial bias is filled with this value. If ``None``, bias is omitted. Attributes: linear (~chainer.Link): The Linear link that performs affine transformation. .. seealso:: :func:`~chainer.functions.maxout` .. seealso:: Goodfellow, I., Warde-farley, D., Mirza, M., Courville, A., & Bengio, Y. (2013). Maxout Networks. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-13) (pp. 1319-1327). `URL <>`_ """ def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, pool_size, wscale=1, initialW=None, initial_bias=0): linear_out_size = out_size * pool_size if initialW is not None: initialW = initialW.reshape(linear_out_size, in_size) if initial_bias is not None: if numpy.isscalar(initial_bias): initial_bias = numpy.full( (linear_out_size,), initial_bias, dtype=numpy.float32) elif isinstance(initial_bias, (numpy.ndarray, cuda.ndarray)): initial_bias = initial_bias.reshape(linear_out_size) else: raise ValueError( 'initial bias must be float, ndarray, or None') super(Maxout, self).__init__( linear=linear.Linear( in_size, linear_out_size, wscale, nobias=initial_bias is None, initialW=initialW, initial_bias=initial_bias)) self.out_size = out_size self.pool_size = pool_size
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Applies the maxout layer. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): Batch of input vectors. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output of the maxout layer. """ y = self.linear(x) return maxout.maxout(y, self.pool_size)