Source code for chainer.links.caffe.caffe_function

import collections
import pkg_resources
import sys
import warnings

import numpy
import six

from chainer import functions
from chainer import link
from chainer import links

def _protobuf3():
    ws = pkg_resources.WorkingSet()
        return True
    except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
        return False

if _protobuf3():
    from chainer.links.caffe.protobuf3 import caffe_pb2 as caffe_pb
    available = True

        # This method is undocumented, but is required to read large size of
        # model files when a user uses cpp-implementation.
        from google.protobuf.pyext import _message
    except ImportError:

elif sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
    # caffe_pb2 does not support Py3
    from chainer.links.caffe.protobuf2 import caffe_pb2 as caffe_pb
    available = True
    available = False

if available:
    _type_to_method = {}
    _oldname_to_method = {}

    def _layer(typ, oldname):
        def decorator(meth):
            global _type_to_method
            _type_to_method[typ] = meth
            if oldname is not None:
                typevalue = getattr(caffe_pb.V1LayerParameter, oldname)
                _oldname_to_method[typevalue] = meth
            return meth
        return decorator
    def _layer(typ, oldname):  # fallback
        def decorator(meth):
            return meth
        return decorator

[docs]class CaffeFunction(link.Chain): """Caffe emulator based on the model file of Caffe. Given a protocol buffers file of a Caffe model, this class loads and emulates it on :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects. It supports the official reference models provided by BVLC. .. note:: protobuf>=3.0.0 is required if you use Python 3 because protobuf 2 is not supported on Python 3. .. note:: CaffeFunction ignores the following layers: - Layers that CaffeFunction does not support (including data layers) - Layers that have no top blobs - Layers whose bottom blobs are incomplete (i.e., some or all of them are not given nor computed) .. warning:: It does not support full compatibility against Caffe. Some layers and configurations are not implemented in Chainer yet, though the reference models provided by the BVLC team are supported except data layers. .. admonition:: Example Consider we want to extract the (unnormalized) log class probability of given images using BVLC reference CaffeNet. The model can be downloaded from: We want to compute the ``fc8`` blob from the ``data`` blob. It is simply written as follows:: # Load the model func = CaffeFunction('path/to/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel') # Minibatch of size 10 x_data = numpy.ndarray((10, 3, 227, 227), dtype=numpy.float32) ... # (Fill the minibatch here) # Forward the pre-trained net x = Variable(x_data) y, = func(inputs={'data': x}, outputs=['fc8']) The result ``y`` contains the Variable corresponding to the ``fc8`` blob. The computational graph is memorized as a usual forward computation in Chainer, so we can run backprop through this pre-trained net. Args: model_path (str): Path to the binary-proto model file of Caffe. Attributes: forwards (dict): A mapping from layer names to corresponding functions. """ def __init__(self, model_path): if not available: msg = 'CaffeFunction is only supported on protobuf>=3 in Python3' raise RuntimeError(msg) super(CaffeFunction, self).__init__() net = caffe_pb.NetParameter() with open(model_path, 'rb') as model_file: net.MergeFromString( self.forwards = {} self.split_map = {} self.layers = [] if net.layer: for layer in net.layer: meth = _type_to_method.get(layer.type) if meth: meth(self, layer) else: warnings.warn( 'Skip the layer "%s", since CaffeFunction does not' 'support %s layer' % (, layer.type)) else: # v1 format for layer in net.layers: meth = _oldname_to_method.get(layer.type) if meth: meth(self, layer) else: warnings.warn( 'Skip the layer "%s", since CaffeFunction does not' 'support it' %
[docs] def __call__(self, inputs, outputs, disable=(), train=True): """Executes a sub-network of the network. This function acts as an interpreter of the network definition for Caffe. On execution, it interprets each layer one by one, and if the bottom blobs are already computed, then emulates the layer and stores output blobs as :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects. Args: inputs (dict): A dictionary whose key-value pairs indicate initial correspondences between blob names and :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects. outputs (Iterable): A list of blob names whose corresponding :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects are returned. disable (Iterable): A list of layer names that will be ignored during the forward computation. train (bool): If ``True``, this function emulates the TRAIN phase of the Caffe layers. Otherwise, it emulates the TEST phase. Returns: tuple: A tuple of output :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects corresponding to elements of the `outputs` argument. """ self.train = train variables = dict(inputs) for func_name, bottom, top in self.layers: if (func_name in disable or func_name not in self.forwards or any(blob not in variables for blob in bottom)): continue func = self.forwards[func_name] input_vars = tuple(variables[blob] for blob in bottom) output_vars = func(*input_vars) if not isinstance(output_vars, collections.Iterable): output_vars = output_vars, for var, name in zip(output_vars, top): variables[name] = var self.variables = variables return tuple(variables[blob] for blob in outputs)
def _add_layer(self, layer): bottom = [] for blob_name in layer.bottom: bottom.append(self.split_map.get(blob_name, blob_name)) self.layers.append((, bottom, list( @_layer('Concat', 'CONCAT') def _setup_concat(self, layer): param = layer.concat_param axis = param.axis if axis == 1 and param.concat_dim != 1: axis = param.concat_dim self.forwards[] = _ListArgumentFcuntion( functions.concat, axis=axis) self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Convolution', 'CONVOLUTION') def _setup_convolution(self, layer): blobs = layer.blobs param = layer.convolution_param ksize = _get_ksize(param) stride = _get_stride(param) pad = _get_pad(param) num = _get_num(blobs[0]) channels = _get_channels(blobs[0]) n_in = channels * n_out = num func = links.Convolution2D(n_in, n_out, ksize, stride, pad, nobias=not param.bias_term)[...] = 0 part_size = len(blobs[0].data) // for i in six.moves.range( in_slice = slice(i * n_in //, (i + 1) * n_in // out_slice = slice(i * n_out //, (i + 1) * n_out // w =[out_slice, in_slice] data = numpy.array( blobs[0].data[i * part_size:(i + 1) * part_size]) w[:] = data.reshape(w.shape) if param.bias_term:[:] = blobs[1].data self.add_link(, func) self.forwards[] = _CallChildLink(self, self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Data', 'DATA') def _setup_data(self, layer): # We silently skip the data layer. pass @_layer('Dropout', 'DROPOUT') def _setup_dropout(self, layer): param = layer.dropout_param self.forwards[] = _DropoutFunction( self, ratio=param.dropout_ratio) self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('InnerProduct', 'INNER_PRODUCT') def _setup_inner_product(self, layer): param = layer.inner_product_param bias_term = param.bias_term if param.axis != 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Non-default axis in InnerProduct is not supported') blobs = layer.blobs width, height = _get_width(blobs[0]), _get_height(blobs[0]) func = links.Linear(width, height, nobias=not bias_term)[:] = blobs[0].data if bias_term:[:] = blobs[1].data self.add_link(, func) self.forwards[] = _CallChildLink(self, self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('LRN', 'LRN') def _setup_lrn(self, layer): param = layer.lrn_param if param.norm_region != param.ACROSS_CHANNELS: raise RuntimeError('Within-channel LRN is not supported') fwd = _SingleArgumentFunction( functions.local_response_normalization, n=param.local_size, k=param.k, alpha=param.alpha / param.local_size, beta=param.beta) self.forwards[] = fwd self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Pooling', 'POOLING') def _setup_pooling(self, layer): param = layer.pooling_param ksize = _get_ksize(param) stride = _get_stride(param) pad = _get_pad(param) if param.pool == param.MAX: func = functions.max_pooling_2d elif param.pool == param.AVE: func = functions.average_pooling_2d else: raise RuntimeError('Stochastic pooling is not supported') fw = _SingleArgumentFunction(func, ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad) self.forwards[] = fw self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('ReLU', 'RELU') def _setup_relu(self, layer): slope = layer.relu_param.negative_slope if slope != 0: fw = _SingleArgumentFunction(functions.leaky_relu, slope=slope) else: fw = functions.relu self.forwards[] = fw self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('BatchNorm', None) def _setup_batchnorm(self, layer): # Get layer parameters. blobs = layer.blobs param = layer.batch_norm_param use_global_stats = param.use_global_stats decay = param.moving_average_fraction eps = param.eps size = int(blobs[0].shape.dim[0]) # Get channel dim from mean blob. # Make BatchNormalization link. func = links.BatchNormalization(size, decay=decay, eps=eps, use_gamma=False, use_beta=False) func.avg_mean.ravel()[:] = blobs[0].data func.avg_var.ravel()[:] = blobs[1].data self.add_link(, func) # Add layer. fwd = _SingleArgumentFunction( _CallChildLink(self,, test=use_global_stats, finetune=False) self.forwards[] = fwd self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Eltwise', 'ELTWISE') def _setup_eltwise(self, layer): # stable_prod_grad parameter is not supported now. operation = layer.eltwise_param.operation coeffs = layer.eltwise_param.coeff or None self.forwards[] = _EltwiseFunction(operation, coeffs) self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Scale', None) def _setup_scale(self, layer): # Following parameters are not supported now: # - negative axis # - num_axes # - filler # - bias_filler # Get layer parameters. bottom = layer.bottom blobs = layer.blobs axis = layer.scale_param.axis bias_term = layer.scale_param.bias_term # Case of only one bottom where W is learnt parameter. if len(bottom) == 1: W_shape = blobs[0].shape.dim func = links.scale.Scale(axis, W_shape, bias_term)[:] = blobs[0].data if bias_term:[:] = blobs[1].data # Case of two bottoms where W is given as a bottom. else: shape = blobs[0].shape.dim if bias_term else None func = links.scale.Scale( axis, bias_term=bias_term, bias_shape=shape) if bias_term:[:] = blobs[0].data # Add layer. self.add_link(, func) self.forwards[] = _CallChildLink(self, self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Slice', 'SLICE') def _setup_slice(self, layer): if layer.slice_param.HasField('axis'): axis = layer.slice_param.axis elif layer.slice_param.HasField('slice_dim'): axis = layer.slice_param.slice_dim else: axis = 1 if layer.slice_param.slice_point: indices_or_sections = list(layer.slice_param.slice_point) else: indices_or_sections = len(list( self.forwards[] = _SingleArgumentFunction( functions.split_axis, indices_or_sections=indices_or_sections, axis=axis ) self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Softmax', 'SOFTMAX') def _setup_softmax(self, layer): if layer.softmax_param.axis != 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Softmax along non-channel axis is not supported') if layer.softmax_param.engine == 0: # DEFAULT fw = functions.softmax elif layer.softmax_param.engine == 1: # CAFFE fw = _SingleArgumentFunction(functions.softmax, use_cudnn=False) elif layer.softmax_param.engine == 2: # CUDNN fw = _SingleArgumentFunction(functions.softmax, use_cudnn=True) self.forwards[] = fw self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('SoftmaxWithLoss', 'SOFTMAX_LOSS') def _setup_softmax_with_loss(self, layer): if layer.softmax_param.axis != 1: raise RuntimeError( 'Softmax along non-channel axis is not supported') self.forwards[] = functions.softmax_cross_entropy self._add_layer(layer) @_layer('Split', 'SPLIT') def _setup_split(self, layer): for top in self.split_map[top] = layer.bottom[0]
# Internal functions def _get_ksize(param): if param.kernel_h > 0: return param.kernel_h, param.kernel_w elif type(param.kernel_size) == int: return param.kernel_size elif len(param.kernel_size) == 1: return param.kernel_size[0] else: return param.kernel_size def _get_stride(param): if param.stride_h > 0: return param.stride_h, param.stride_w elif type(param.stride) == int: return param.stride elif len(param.stride) == 0: return 1 elif len(param.stride) == 1: return param.stride[0] else: return param.stride def _get_pad(param): if param.pad_h > 0: return param.pad_h, param.pad_w elif type(param.pad) == int: return param.pad elif len(param.pad) == 0: return 0 elif len(param.pad) == 1: return param.pad[0] else: return param.pad def _get_num(blob): if blob.num > 0: return blob.num else: return blob.shape.dim[0] def _get_channels(blob): if blob.channels > 0: return blob.channels else: return blob.shape.dim[1] def _get_height(blob): if blob.height > 0: return blob.height elif len(blob.shape.dim) == 2: return blob.shape.dim[0] elif len(blob.shape.dim) == 4: return blob.shape.dim[2] else: raise RuntimeError( '{}-dimentional array is not supported'.format( len(blob.shape.dim))) def _get_width(blob): if blob.width > 0: return blob.width elif len(blob.shape.dim) == 2: return blob.shape.dim[1] elif len(blob.shape.dim) == 4: return blob.shape.dim[3] else: raise RuntimeError( '{}-dimentional array is not supported'.format( len(blob.shape.dim))) # Internal class class _SingleArgumentFunction(object): def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, x): return self.func(x, *self.args, **self.kwargs) class _ListArgumentFcuntion(object): def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): self.func = func self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, *xs): return self.func(xs, **self.kwargs) class _DropoutFunction(object): def __init__(self, caffe_func, ratio): # `caffe_func.train` is determined when calling `__call__` self.caffe_func = caffe_func self.ratio = ratio def __call__(self, x): return functions.dropout( x, ratio=self.ratio, train=self.caffe_func.train) class _CallChildLink(object): def __init__(self, caffe_func, name): = name self.caffe_func = caffe_func def __call__(self, *xs, **kwargs): return self.caffe_func[](*xs, **kwargs) class _EltwiseFunction(object): def __init__(self, operation, coeffs=None): if coeffs is not None: assert len(coeffs) > 0 self.operation = operation self.coeffs = coeffs def __call__(self, *xs): operation = self.operation if operation == 0: # PROD return six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, xs), elif operation == 1: # SUM coeffs = self.coeffs if coeffs is not None: assert len(xs) == len(coeffs) xs = [x * coeff for x, coeff in zip(xs, coeffs)] return six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, xs), elif operation == 2: # MAX return six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: functions.maximum(x, y), xs), else: raise ValueError('Invalid EltwiseParameter.EltwiseOp value.')