Source code for chainer.links.connection.peephole

from chainer import cuda
from chainer.functions.activation import sigmoid
from chainer.functions.activation import tanh
from chainer.functions.array import reshape
from chainer.functions.array import split_axis
from chainer import link
from chainer.links.connection import linear
from chainer import variable

[docs]class StatefulPeepholeLSTM(link.Chain): """Fully-connected LSTM layer with peephole connections. This is a fully-connected LSTM layer with peephole connections as a chain. Unlike the :class:`~chainer.links.LSTM` link, this chain holds ``peep_i``, ``peep_f`` and ``peep_o`` as child links besides ``upward`` and ``lateral``. Given a input vector :math:`x`, Peephole returns the next hidden vector :math:`h'` defined as .. math:: a &=& \\tanh(upward x + lateral h), \\\\ i &=& \\sigma(upward x + lateral h + peep_i c), \\\\ f &=& \\sigma(upward x + lateral h + peep_f c), \\\\ c' &=& a \\odot i + f \\odot c, \\\\ o &=& \\sigma(upward x + lateral h + peep_o c'), \\\\ h' &=& o \\tanh(c'), where :math:`\\sigma` is the sigmoid function, :math:`\\odot` is the element-wise product, :math:`c` is the current cell state, :math:`c'` is the next cell state and :math:`h` is the current hidden vector. Args: in_size(int): Dimension of the input vector :math:`x`. out_size(int): Dimension of the hidden vector :math:`h`. Attributes: upward (~chainer.links.Linear): Linear layer of upward connections. lateral (~chainer.links.Linear): Linear layer of lateral connections. peep_i (~chainer.links.Linear): Linear layer of peephole connections to the input gate. peep_f (~chainer.links.Linear): Linear layer of peephole connections to the forget gate. peep_o (~chainer.links.Linear): Linear layer of peephole connections to the output gate. c (~chainer.Variable): Cell states of LSTM units. h (~chainer.Variable): Output at the current time step. """ def __init__(self, in_size, out_size): super(StatefulPeepholeLSTM, self).__init__( upward=linear.Linear(in_size, 4 * out_size), lateral=linear.Linear(out_size, 4 * out_size, nobias=True), peep_i=linear.Linear(out_size, out_size, nobias=True), peep_f=linear.Linear(out_size, out_size, nobias=True), peep_o=linear.Linear(out_size, out_size, nobias=True), ) self.state_size = out_size self.reset_state() def to_cpu(self): super(StatefulPeepholeLSTM, self).to_cpu() if self.c is not None: self.c.to_cpu() if self.h is not None: self.h.to_cpu() def to_gpu(self, device=None): super(StatefulPeepholeLSTM, self).to_gpu(device) if self.c is not None: self.c.to_gpu(device) if self.h is not None: self.h.to_gpu(device)
[docs] def reset_state(self): """Resets the internal states. It sets ``None`` to the :attr:`c` and :attr:`h` attributes. """ self.c = self.h = None
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Updates the internal state and returns the LSTM outputs. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): A new batch from the input sequence. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Outputs of updated LSTM units. """ lstm_in = self.upward(x) if self.h is not None: lstm_in += self.lateral(self.h) if self.c is None: xp = self.xp with cuda.get_device_from_id(self._device_id): self.c = variable.Variable( xp.zeros((x.shape[0], self.state_size), dtype=x.dtype), volatile='auto') lstm_in = reshape.reshape(lstm_in, (len(, lstm_in.shape[1] // 4, 4)) a, i, f, o = split_axis.split_axis(lstm_in, 4, 2) a = reshape.reshape(a, (len(, a.shape[1])) i = reshape.reshape(i, (len(, i.shape[1])) f = reshape.reshape(f, (len(, f.shape[1])) o = reshape.reshape(o, (len(, o.shape[1])) peep_in_i = self.peep_i(self.c) peep_in_f = self.peep_f(self.c) a = tanh.tanh(a) i = sigmoid.sigmoid(i + peep_in_i) f = sigmoid.sigmoid(f + peep_in_f) self.c = a * i + f * self.c peep_in_o = self.peep_o(self.c) o = sigmoid.sigmoid(o + peep_in_o) self.h = o * tanh.tanh(self.c) return self.h