Source code for cupy.manipulation.rearrange

import cupy

[docs]def flip(a, axis): """Reverse the order of elements in an array along the given axis. Note that ``flip`` function has been introduced since NumPy v1.12. The contents of this document is the same as the original one. Args: a (~cupy.ndarray): Input array. axis (int): Axis in array, which entries are reversed. Returns: ~cupy.ndarray: Output array. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.flip` """ a_ndim = a.ndim if a_ndim < 1: raise ValueError('Input must be >= 1-d') axis = int(axis) if not -a_ndim <= axis < a_ndim: raise ValueError('axis must be >= %d and < %d' % (-a_ndim, a_ndim)) return _flip(a, axis)
[docs]def fliplr(a): """Flip array in the left/right direction. Flip the entries in each row in the left/right direction. Columns are preserved, but appear in a different order than before. Args: a (~cupy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: ~cupy.ndarray: Output array. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.fliplr` """ if a.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Input must be >= 2-d') return cupy.take(a, cupy.arange(a.shape[1] - 1, -1, -1), axis=1)
[docs]def flipud(a): """Flip array in the up/down direction. Flip the entries in each column in the up/down direction. Rows are preserved, but appear in a different order than before. Args: a (~cupy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: ~cupy.ndarray: Output array. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.flipud` """ if a.ndim < 1: raise ValueError('Input must be >= 1-d') return cupy.take(a, cupy.arange(a.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1), axis=0)
[docs]def roll(a, shift, axis=None): """Roll array elements along a given axis. Args: a (~cupy.ndarray): Array to be rolled. shift (int): The number of places by which elements are shifted. axis (int or None): The axis along which elements are shifted. If ``axis`` is ``None``, the array is flattened before shifting, and after that it is reshaped to the original shape. Returns: ~cupy.ndarray: Output array. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.roll` """ if axis is None: if a.size == 0: return a size = a.size ra = a.ravel() shift %= size res = cupy.empty((size,), a.dtype) res[:shift] = ra[size - shift:] res[shift:] = ra[:size - shift] return res.reshape(a.shape) else: axis = int(axis) if axis < 0: axis += a.ndim if not 0 <= axis < a.ndim: raise ValueError('axis must be >= %d and < %d' % (-a.ndim, a.ndim)) size = a.shape[axis] if size == 0: return a shift %= size prev = (slice(None),) * axis rest = (slice(None),) * (a.ndim - axis - 1) # Roll only the dimensiont at the given axis # ind1 is [:, ..., size-shift:, ..., :] # ind2 is [:, ..., :size-shift, ..., :] ind1 = prev + (slice(size - shift, None, None),) + rest ind2 = prev + (slice(None, size - shift, None),) + rest r_ind1 = prev + (slice(None, shift, None),) + rest r_ind2 = prev + (slice(shift, None, None),) + rest res = cupy.empty_like(a) res[r_ind1] = a[ind1] res[r_ind2] = a[ind2] return res
[docs]def rot90(a, k=1, axes=(0, 1)): """Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes. Note that ``axes`` argument has been introduced since NumPy v1.12. The contents of this document is the same as the original one. Args: a (~cupy.ndarray): Array of two or more dimensions. k (int): Number of times the array is rotated by 90 degrees. axes: (tuple of ints): The array is rotated in the plane defined by the axes. Axes must be different. Returns: ~cupy.ndarray: Output array. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.rot90` """ a_ndim = a.ndim if a_ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Input must be >= 2-d') axes = tuple(axes) if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError('len(axes) must be 2') if axes[0] == axes[1] or abs(axes[0] - axes[1]) == a_ndim: raise ValueError('axes must be different') if not (-a_ndim <= axes[0] < a_ndim and -a_ndim <= axes[1] < a_ndim): raise ValueError('axes must be >= %d and < %d' % (-a_ndim, a_ndim)) k = k % 4 if k == 0: return a[:] if k == 2: return _flip(_flip(a, axes[0]), axes[1]) axes_t = list(range(0, a_ndim)) axes_t[axes[0]], axes_t[axes[1]] = axes_t[axes[1]], axes_t[axes[0]] if k == 1: return cupy.transpose(_flip(a, axes[1]), axes_t) else: return _flip(cupy.transpose(a, axes_t), axes[1])
def _flip(a, axis): # This function flips array without checking args. indexer = [slice(None)] * a.ndim indexer[axis] = slice(None, None, -1) return a[tuple(indexer)]