Source code for cupy.random.distributions

import cupy
from cupy.random import generator

# TODO(beam2d): Implement many distributions

[docs]def gumbel(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float): """Returns an array of samples drawn from a Gumbel distribution. The samples are drawn from a Gumbel distribution with location ``loc`` and scale ``scale``. Its probability density function is defined as .. math:: f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\eta} \ \\exp\\left\\{ - \\frac{x - \\mu}{\\eta} \\right\\} \ \\exp\\left[-\\exp\\left\\{-\\frac{x - \\mu}{\\eta} \ \\right\\}\\right], where :math:`\\mu` is ``loc`` and :math:`\\eta` is ``scale``. Args: loc (float): The location of the mode :math:`\\mu`. scale (float): The scale parameter :math:`\\eta`. size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a zero-dimensional array is generated. dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the Gumbel destribution. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.gumbel` """ rs = uniform(size=size, dtype=dtype) # We use `1 - x` as input of `log` method to prevent overflow. # It obeys numpy implementation. return cupy.ElementwiseKernel( 'T x, T loc, T scale', 'T y', 'y = loc - log(-log(1 - x)) * scale', 'gumbel_kernel' )(rs, loc, scale, rs) return rs
[docs]def lognormal(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0, size=None, dtype=float): """Returns an array of samples drawn from a log normal distribution. The samples are natural log of samples drawn from a normal distribution with mean ``mean`` and deviation ``sigma``. Args: mean (float): Mean of the normal distribution. sigma (float): Standard deviation of the normal distribution. size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a zero-dimensional array is generated. dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the log normal distribution. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.lognormal` """ rs = generator.get_random_state() return rs.lognormal(mean, sigma, size=size, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float): """Returns an array of normally distributed samples. Args: loc (float or array_like of floats): Mean of the normal distribution. scale (float or array_like of floats): Standard deviation of the normal distribution. size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a zero-dimensional array is generated. dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Normally distributed samples. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.normal` """ rs = generator.get_random_state() return (rs.normal(0, 1, size, dtype) * scale + loc).astype(dtype)
[docs]def standard_normal(size=None, dtype=float): """Returns an array of samples drawn from the standard normal distribution. This is a variant of :func:`cupy.random.randn`. Args: size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a zero-dimensional array is generated. dtype: Data type specifier. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the standard normal distribution. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.standard_normal` """ return normal(size=size, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None, dtype=float): """Returns an array of uniformly-distributed samples over an interval. Samples are drawn from a uniform distribution over the half-open interval ``[low, high)``. Args: low (float): Lower end of the interval. high (float): Upper end of the interval. size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a zero-dimensional array is generated. dtype: Data type specifier. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the uniform distribution. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.uniform` """ rs = generator.get_random_state() return rs.uniform(low, high, size=size, dtype=dtype)