Linear Algebra

Matrix and vector products, b, out=None)[source]

Returns a dot product of two arrays.

For arrays with more than one axis, it computes the dot product along the last axis of a and the second-to-last axis of b. This is just a matrix product if the both arrays are 2-D. For 1-D arrays, it uses their unique axis as an axis to take dot product over.


The dot product of a and b.

Return type:


See also

cupy.vdot(a, b)[source]

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

The input arrays are flattened into 1-D vectors and then it performs inner product of these vectors.


Zero-dimensional array of the dot product result.

Return type:


See also


cupy.inner(a, b)[source]

Returns the inner product of two arrays.

It uses the last axis of each argument to take sum product.


The inner product of a and b.

Return type:


See also


cupy.outer(a, b, out=None)[source]

Returns the outer product of two vectors.

The input arrays are flattened into 1-D vectors and then it performs outer product of these vectors.


2-D array of the outer product of a and b.

Return type:


See also


cupy.tensordot(a, b, axes=2)[source]

Returns the tensor dot product of two arrays along specified axes.

This is equivalent to compute dot product along the specified axes which are treated as one axis by reshaping.

  • a (cupy.ndarray) – The first argument.
  • b (cupy.ndarray) – The second argument.
  • axes
    • If it is an integer, then axes axes at the last of a and the first of b are used.
    • If it is a pair of sequences of integers, then these two sequences specify the list of axes for a and b. The corresponding axes are paired for sum-product.
  • out (cupy.ndarray) – Output array.

The tensor dot product of a and b along the axes specified by axes.

Return type:




Cholesky decomposition.

Decompose a given two-dimensional square matrix into L * L.T, where L is a lower-triangular matrix and .T is a conjugate transpose operator. Note that in the current implementation a must be a real matrix, and only float32 and float64 are supported.

Parameters:a (cupy.ndarray) – The input matrix with dimension (N, N)
cupy.linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')[source]

QR decomposition.

Decompose a given two-dimensional matrix into Q * R, where Q is an orthonormal and R is an upper-triangular matrix.

  • a (cupy.ndarray) – The input matrix.
  • mode (str) – The mode of decomposition. Currently ‘reduced’, ‘complete’, ‘r’, and ‘raw’ modes are supported. The default mode is ‘reduced’, and decompose a matrix A = (M, N) into Q, R with dimensions (M, K), (K, N), where K = min(M, N).
cupy.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True)[source]

Singular Value Decomposition.

Factorizes the matrix a as u * np.diag(s) * v, where u and v are unitary and s is an one-dimensional array of a‘s singular values.

  • a (cupy.ndarray) – The input matrix with dimension (M, N).
  • full_matrices (bool) – If True, it returns U and V with dimensions (M, M) and (N, N). Otherwise, the dimensions of U and V are respectively (M, K) and (K, N), where K = min(M, N).
  • compute_uv (bool) – If True, it only returns singular values.

Norms etc.

cupy.trace(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, dtype=None, out=None)[source]

Returns the sum along the diagonals of an array.

It computes the sum along the diagonals at axis1 and axis2.

  • a (cupy.ndarray) – Array to take trace.
  • offset (int) – Index of diagonals. Zero indicates the main diagonal, a positive value an upper diagonal, and a negative value a lower diagonal.
  • axis1 (int) – The first axis along which the trace is taken.
  • axis2 (int) – The second axis along which the trace is taken.
  • dtype – Data type specifier of the output.
  • out (cupy.ndarray) – Output array.

The trace of a along axes (axis1, axis2).

Return type:


See also
