Source code for chainer.datasets.image_dataset

import os

import numpy
    from PIL import Image
    available = True
except ImportError as e:
    available = False
    _import_error = e
import six

from chainer.dataset import dataset_mixin

def _read_image_as_array(path, dtype):
    f =
        image = numpy.asarray(f, dtype=dtype)
        # Only pillow >= 3.0 has 'close' method
        if hasattr(f, 'close'):
    return image

[docs]class ImageDataset(dataset_mixin.DatasetMixin): """Dataset of images built from a list of paths to image files. This dataset reads an external image file on every call of the :meth:`__getitem__` operator. The paths to the image to retrieve is given as either a list of strings or a text file that contains paths in distinct lines. Each image is automatically converted to arrays of shape ``channels, height, width``, where ``channels`` represents the number of channels in each pixel (e.g., 1 for grey-scale images, and 3 for RGB-color images). .. note:: **This dataset requires the Pillow package being installed.** In order to use this dataset, install Pillow (e.g. by using the command ``pip install Pillow``). Be careful to prepare appropriate libraries for image formats you want to use (e.g. libpng for PNG images, and libjpeg for JPG images). Args: paths (str or list of strs): If it is a string, it is a path to a text file that contains paths to images in distinct lines. If it is a list of paths, the ``i``-th element represents the path to the ``i``-th image. In both cases, each path is a relative one from the root path given by another argument. root (str): Root directory to retrieve images from. dtype: Data type of resulting image arrays. """ def __init__(self, paths, root='.', dtype=numpy.float32): _check_pillow_availability() if isinstance(paths, six.string_types): with open(paths) as paths_file: paths = [path.strip() for path in paths_file] self._paths = paths self._root = root self._dtype = dtype def __len__(self): return len(self._paths) def get_example(self, i): path = os.path.join(self._root, self._paths[i]) image = _read_image_as_array(path, self._dtype) if image.ndim == 2: # image is greyscale image = image[:, :, numpy.newaxis] return image.transpose(2, 0, 1)
[docs]class LabeledImageDataset(dataset_mixin.DatasetMixin): """Dataset of image and label pairs built from a list of paths and labels. This dataset reads an external image file like :class:`ImageDataset`. The difference from :class:`ImageDataset` is that this dataset also returns a label integer. The paths and labels are given as either a list of pairs or a text file contains paths/labels pairs in distinct lines. In the latter case, each path and corresponding label are separated by white spaces. This format is same as one used in Caffe. .. note:: **This dataset requires the Pillow package being installed.** In order to use this dataset, install Pillow (e.g. by using the command ``pip install Pillow``). Be careful to prepare appropriate libraries for image formats you want to use (e.g. libpng for PNG images, and libjpeg for JPG images). Args: pairs (str or list of tuples): If it is a string, it is a path to a text file that contains paths to images in distinct lines. If it is a list of pairs, the ``i``-th element represents a pair of the path to the ``i``-th image and the corresponding label. In both cases, each path is a relative one from the root path given by another argument. root (str): Root directory to retrieve images from. dtype: Data type of resulting image arrays. label_dtype: Data type of the labels. """ def __init__(self, pairs, root='.', dtype=numpy.float32, label_dtype=numpy.int32): _check_pillow_availability() if isinstance(pairs, six.string_types): pairs_path = pairs with open(pairs_path) as pairs_file: pairs = [] for i, line in enumerate(pairs_file): pair = line.strip().split() if len(pair) != 2: raise ValueError( 'invalid format at line {} in file {}'.format( i, pairs_path)) pairs.append((pair[0], int(pair[1]))) self._pairs = pairs self._root = root self._dtype = dtype self._label_dtype = label_dtype def __len__(self): return len(self._pairs) def get_example(self, i): path, int_label = self._pairs[i] full_path = os.path.join(self._root, path) image = _read_image_as_array(full_path, self._dtype) if image.ndim == 2: # image is greyscale image = image[:, :, numpy.newaxis] label = numpy.array(int_label, dtype=self._label_dtype) return image.transpose(2, 0, 1), label
def _check_pillow_availability(): if not available: raise ImportError('PIL cannot be loaded. Install Pillow!\n' 'The actual import error is as follows:\n' + str(_import_error))