Source code for chainer.functions.array.rollaxis

import six

from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.utils import type_check

class Rollaxis(function.Function):

    """Roll axis of an array."""

    def __init__(self, axis, start):
        if not isinstance(axis, six.integer_types):
            raise TypeError('axis must be int')
        if not isinstance(start, six.integer_types):
            raise TypeError('start must be int')

        self.axis = axis
        self.start = start

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        type_check.expect(in_types.size() == 1)
        x_type = in_types[0]

        if self.axis >= 0:
            type_check.expect(x_type.ndim > self.axis)
            type_check.expect(x_type.ndim > -self.axis - 1)

        if self.start >= 0:
            type_check.expect(x_type.ndim >= self.start)
            type_check.expect(x_type.ndim > -self.start - 1)

    def forward(self, inputs):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        return xp.rollaxis(inputs[0], self.axis, self.start),

    def backward(self, inputs, grads):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        axis = self.axis
        if axis < 0:
            axis += inputs[0].ndim
        start = self.start
        if start < 0:
            start += inputs[0].ndim

        if axis > start:
            axis += 1
            start -= 1

        return xp.rollaxis(grads[0], start, axis),

[docs]def rollaxis(x, axis, start=0): """Roll the axis backwards to the given position. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): Input variable. axis (int): The axis to roll backwards. start (int): The place to which the axis is moved. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Variable whose axis is rolled. """ return Rollaxis(axis, start)(x)