Source code for chainer.functions.array.split_axis

import collections

import six

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.utils import type_check

class SplitAxis(function.Function):

    """Function that splits multiple arrays along the specified axis."""

    def __init__(self, indices_or_sections, axis):
        if not isinstance(
                six.integer_types + (collections.Iterable,)):
            raise TypeError('indices_or_sections must be integer or 1-D array')
        if (chainer.is_debug() and
                isinstance(indices_or_sections, collections.Iterable)):
            for p, n in
                    indices_or_sections, indices_or_sections[1:]):
                if p > n:
                    raise ValueError('indices_or_sections must be sorted')
        self.indices_or_sections = indices_or_sections
        self.axis = axis

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        type_check.expect(in_types.size() == 1)
        type_check.expect(in_types[0].ndim > self.axis)

        if isinstance(self.indices_or_sections, collections.Iterable):
            if len(self.indices_or_sections) > 0:
                max_index = type_check.Variable(
                    self.indices_or_sections[-1], 'max_index')
                type_check.expect(in_types[0].shape[self.axis] > max_index)
            sections = type_check.Variable(
                self.indices_or_sections, 'sections')
            type_check.expect(in_types[0].shape[self.axis] % sections == 0)

    def forward(self, x):
        if isinstance(self.indices_or_sections, collections.Iterable):
            cdimx = x[0].shape[self.axis]
            ind = list(self.indices_or_sections)
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*x)
        return tuple(xp.split(x[0], self.indices_or_sections, self.axis))

    def backward(self, x, gys):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*x)
        if any(gy is None for gy in gys):
            gx = xp.zeros_like(x[0])
            gxs = xp.split(gx, self.indices_or_sections, self.axis)
            for gxi, gy in, gys):
                if gy is None:
                gxi[:] = gy
            return gx,
            return xp.concatenate(gys, axis=self.axis),

[docs]def split_axis(x, indices_or_sections, axis, force_tuple=False): """Splits given variables along an axis. Args: x (tuple of Variables): Variables to be split. indices_or_sections (int or 1-D array): If this argument is an integer, N, the array will be divided into N equal arrays along axis. If it is a 1-D array of sorted integers, it indicates the positions where the array is split. axis (int): Axis that the input array is split along. force_tuple (bool): If ``True``, this method returns a tuple even when the number of outputs is one. Returns: tuple or Variable: Tuple of :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects if the number of outputs is more than 1 or :class:`~chainer.Variable` otherwise. When ``force_tuple`` is ``True``, returned value is always a tuple regardless of the number of outputs. .. note:: This function raises :class:`ValueError` if at least one of the outputs is split to zero-size (i.e. ``axis``-th value of its shape is zero). """ res = SplitAxis(indices_or_sections, axis)(x) if force_tuple and isinstance(res, chainer.Variable): res = (res,) return res