Source code for chainer.functions.connection.embed_id

import numpy
import six

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.utils import type_check

class EmbedIDFunction(function.Function):

    def __init__(self, ignore_label=None):
        self.ignore_label = ignore_label

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        type_check.expect(in_types.size() == 2)
        x_type, w_type = in_types
            x_type.dtype == numpy.int32,
            x_type.ndim >= 1,
            w_type.dtype == numpy.float32,
            w_type.ndim == 2

    def forward(self, inputs):
        x, W = inputs

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                             'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                             .format(type(W), type(x)))

        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if chainer.is_debug():
            valid_x = xp.logical_and(0 <= x, x < len(W))
            if self.ignore_label is not None:
                valid_x = xp.logical_or(valid_x, x == self.ignore_label)
            if not valid_x.all():
                raise ValueError('Each not ignored `x` value need to satisfy'
                                 '`0 <= x < len(W)`')

        if self.ignore_label is not None:
            mask = (x == self.ignore_label)
            return xp.where(
                mask[..., None], 0, W.take(xp.where(mask, 0, x), axis=0)),

        return W.take(x, axis=0),

    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        x, W = inputs
        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        gW = xp.zeros_like(W)

        if xp is numpy:
            # It is equivalent to `, x, gy)` but is
            # too slow.
            for ix, igy in,
                                         gy.reshape(x.size, -1)):
                if ix == self.ignore_label:
                gW[ix] += igy
            if self.ignore_label is None:
                    'T gy, int32 x, int32 n_out', 'raw T gW',
                    'int w_ind[] = {x, i % n_out}; atomicAdd(&gW[w_ind], gy)',
                        gy, xp.expand_dims(x, -1), gW.shape[1], gW)
                    'T gy, int32 x, int32 n_out, int32 ignore', 'raw T gW',
                    if (x != ignore) {
                      int w_ind[] = {x, i % n_out};
                      atomicAdd(&gW[w_ind], gy);
                        gy, xp.expand_dims(x, -1), gW.shape[1],
                        self.ignore_label, gW)
        return None, gW

[docs]def embed_id(x, W, ignore_label=None): """Efficient linear function for one-hot input. This function implements so called *word embedding*. It takes two arguments: a set of IDs (words) ``x`` in :math:`B` dimensional integer vector, and a set of all ID (word) embeddings ``W`` in :math:`V \\times d` float32 matrix. It outputs :math:`B \\times d` matrix whose ``i``-th column is the ``x[i]``-th column of ``W``. This function is only differentiable on the input ``W``. Args: x (~chainer.Variable): Batch vectors of IDs. W (~chainer.Variable): Representation of each ID (a.k.a. word embeddings). ignore_label (int or None): If ``ignore_label`` is an int value, ``i``-th column of return value is filled with ``0``. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. .. seealso:: :class:`~chainer.links.EmbedID` """ return EmbedIDFunction(ignore_label=ignore_label)(x, W)