Source code for chainer.functions.connection.linear

from chainer import function
from chainer.utils import type_check

def _as_mat(x):
    if x.ndim == 2:
        return x
    return x.reshape(len(x), -1)

class LinearFunction(function.Function):

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        n_in = in_types.size()
        type_check.expect(2 <= n_in, n_in <= 3)
        x_type, w_type = in_types[:2]

            x_type.dtype.kind == 'f',
            w_type.dtype.kind == 'f',
            x_type.ndim >= 2,
            w_type.ndim == 2,
  [1:]) == w_type.shape[1],
        if n_in.eval() == 3:
            b_type = in_types[2]
                b_type.dtype == x_type.dtype,
                b_type.ndim == 1,
                b_type.shape[0] == w_type.shape[0],

    def forward(self, inputs):
        x = _as_mat(inputs[0])
        W = inputs[1]

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                             'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                             .format(type(W), type(x)))

        y =, copy=False)
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            b = inputs[2]
            y += b
        return y,

    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        x = _as_mat(inputs[0])
        W = inputs[1]
        gy = grad_outputs[0]

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                             'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                             .format(type(W), type(x)))

        gx =, copy=False).reshape(inputs[0].shape)
        gW =, copy=False)
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            gb = gy.sum(0)
            return gx, gW, gb
            return gx, gW

[docs]def linear(x, W, b=None): """Linear function, or affine transformation. It accepts two or three arguments: an input minibatch ``x``, a weight matrix ``W``, and optionally a bias vector ``b``. It computes .. math:: Y = xW^\\top + b. Args: x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable, which is a :math:`(s_B, s_1, \ s_2, ..., s_n)`-shaped float array. Its first dimension :math:`(s_B)` is assumed to be the *minibatch dimension*. The other dimensions are treated as concatenated one dimension whose size must be :math:`(s_1 * ... * s_n = N)`. W (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Weight variable of shape :math:`(M, N)`, where :math:`(N = s_1 * ... * s_n)`. b (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Bias variable (optional) of shape :math:`(M,)`. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. A float array with shape of :math:`(s_B, M)`. .. seealso:: :class:`~chainer.links.Linear` .. admonition:: Example >>> x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (3, 4)).astype('f') >>> W = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (5, 4)).astype('f') >>> b = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (5,)).astype('f') >>> y = F.linear(x, W, b) >>> y.shape (3, 5) """ if b is None: return LinearFunction()(x, W) else: return LinearFunction()(x, W, b)