Source code for chainer.functions.evaluation.classification_summary

from __future__ import division

import numpy
import six

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.utils import type_check

def _fbeta_score(precision, recall, beta):
    beta_square = beta * beta
    return ((1 + beta_square) * precision * recall /
            (beta_square * precision + recall)).astype(precision.dtype)

class ClassificationSummary(function.Function):

    def __init__(self, label_num, beta, ignore_label):
        self.label_num = label_num
        self.beta = beta
        self.ignore_label = ignore_label

    def check_type_forward(self, in_types):
        type_check.expect(in_types.size() == 2)
        x_type, t_type = in_types

            x_type.dtype.kind == 'f',
            t_type.dtype == numpy.int32

        t_ndim = t_type.ndim.eval()
            x_type.ndim >= t_type.ndim,
            x_type.shape[0] == t_type.shape[0],
            x_type.shape[2: t_ndim + 1] == t_type.shape[1:]
        for i in six.moves.range(t_ndim + 1, x_type.ndim.eval()):
            type_check.expect(x_type.shape[i] == 1)

    def forward(self, inputs):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        y, t = inputs

        if self.label_num is None:
            label_num = xp.amax(t) + 1
            label_num = self.label_num
            if chainer.is_debug():
                assert (t < label_num).all()

        mask = (t == self.ignore_label).ravel()
        pred = xp.where(mask, label_num, y.argmax(axis=1).ravel())
        true = xp.where(mask, label_num, t.ravel())
        support = xp.bincount(true, minlength=label_num + 1)[:label_num]
        relevant = xp.bincount(pred, minlength=label_num + 1)[:label_num]
        tp_mask = xp.where(pred == true, true, label_num)
        tp = xp.bincount(tp_mask, minlength=label_num + 1)[:label_num]

        precision = tp / relevant
        recall = tp / support
        fbeta = _fbeta_score(precision, recall, self.beta)

        return precision, recall, fbeta, support

[docs]def classification_summary(y, t, label_num=None, beta=1.0, ignore_label=-1): """Calculates Precision, Recall, F beta Score, and support. This function calculates the following quantities for each class. - Precision: :math:`\\frac{\\mathrm{tp}}{\\mathrm{tp} + \\mathrm{fp}}` - Recall: :math:`\\frac{\\mathrm{tp}}{\\mathrm{tp} + \\mathrm{tn}}` - F beta Score: The weighted harmonic average of Precision and Recall. - Support: The number of instances of each ground truth label. Here, ``tp``, ``fp``, and ``tn`` stand for the number of true positives, false positives, and true negative, respectively. ``label_num`` specifies the number of classes, that is, each value in ``t`` must be an integer in the range of ``[0, label_num)``. If ``label_num`` is ``None``, this function regards ``label_num`` as a maximum of in ``t`` plus one. ``ignore_label`` determines which instances should be ignored. Specifically, instances with the given label are not taken into account for calculating the above quantities. By default, it is set to -1 so that all instances are taken into consideration, as labels are supposed to be non-negative integers. Setting ``ignore_label`` to a non-negative integer less than ``label_num`` is illegal and yields undefined behavior. In the current implementation, it arises ``RuntimeWarning`` and ``ignore_label``-th entries in output arrays do not contain correct quantities. Args: y (~chainer.Variable): Variable holding a vector of scores. t (~chainer.Variable): Variable holding a vector of ground truth labels. label_num (int): The number of classes. beta (float): The parameter which determines the weight of precision in the F-beta score. ignore_label (int): Instances with this label are ignored. Returns: 4-tuple of ~chainer.Variable of size ``(label_num,)``. Each element represents precision, recall, F beta score, and support of this minibatch. """ return ClassificationSummary(label_num, beta, ignore_label)(y, t)
def precision(y, t, label_num=None, ignore_label=-1): ret = ClassificationSummary(label_num, 1.0, ignore_label)(y, t) return ret[0], ret[-1] def recall(y, t, label_num=None, ignore_label=-1): ret = ClassificationSummary(label_num, 1.0, ignore_label)(y, t) return ret[1], ret[-1] def fbeta_score(y, t, label_num=None, beta=1.0, ignore_label=-1): ret = ClassificationSummary(label_num, beta, ignore_label)(y, t) return ret[2], ret[-1] def f1_score(y, t, label_num=None, ignore_label=-1): ret = ClassificationSummary(label_num, 1.0, ignore_label)(y, t) return ret[2], ret[-1]