Source code for chainer.functions.loss.vae

import math

from chainer.functions.activation import softplus
from chainer.functions.math import exponential
from chainer.functions.math import sum

[docs]def gaussian_kl_divergence(mean, ln_var, reduce='sum'): """Computes the KL-divergence of Gaussian variables from the standard one. Given two variable ``mean`` representing :math:`\\mu` and ``ln_var`` representing :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)`, this function calculates the KL-divergence in elementwise manner between the given multi-dimensional Gaussian :math:`N(\\mu, S)` and the standard Gaussian :math:`N(0, I)` .. math:: D_{\\mathbf{KL}}(N(\\mu, S) \\| N(0, I)), where :math:`S` is a diagonal matrix such that :math:`S_{ii} = \\sigma_i^2` and :math:`I` is an identity matrix. The output is a variable whose value depends on the value of the option ``reduce``. If it is ``'no'``, it holds the elementwise loss values. If it is ``'sum'``, loss values are summed up. Args: mean (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A variable representing mean of given gaussian distribution, :math:`\\mu`. ln_var (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A variable representing logarithm of variance of given gaussian distribution, :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)`. reduce (str): Reduction option. Its value must be either ``'sum'`` or ``'no'``. Otherwise, :class:`ValueError` is raised. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: A variable representing KL-divergence between given gaussian distribution and the standard gaussian. If ``reduce`` is ``'no'``, the output variable holds array whose shape is same as one of (hence both of) input variables. If it is ``'sum'``, the output variable holds a scalar value. """ if reduce not in ('sum', 'no'): raise ValueError( "only 'sum' and 'no' are valid for 'reduce', but '%s' is " 'given' % reduce) var = exponential.exp(ln_var) mean_square = mean * mean loss = (mean_square + var - ln_var - 1) * 0.5 if reduce == 'sum': return sum.sum(loss) else: return loss
[docs]def bernoulli_nll(x, y, reduce='sum'): """Computes the negative log-likelihood of a Bernoulli distribution. This function calculates the negative log-likelihood of a Bernoulli distribution. .. math:: -\\log B(x; p) = -\\sum_i \{x_i \\log(p_i) + (1 - x_i)\\log(1 - p_i)\}, where :math:`p = \\sigma(y)`, :math:`\\sigma(\\cdot)` is a sigmoid function, and :math:`B(x; p)` is a Bernoulli distribution. The output is a variable whose value depends on the value of the option ``reduce``. If it is ``'no'``, it holds the elementwise loss values. If it is ``'sum'``, loss values are summed up. .. note:: As this function uses a sigmoid function, you can pass a result of fully-connected layer (that means :class:`Linear`) to this function directly. Args: x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable. y (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A variable representing the parameter of Bernoulli distribution. reduce (str): Reduction option. Its value must be either ``'sum'`` or ``'no'``. Otherwise, :class:`ValueError` is raised. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: A variable representing the negative log-likelihood. If ``reduce`` is ``'no'``, the output variable holds array whose shape is same as one of (hence both of) input variables. If it is ``'sum'``, the output variable holds a scalar value. """ if reduce not in ('sum', 'no'): raise ValueError( "only 'sum' and 'no' are valid for 'reduce', but '%s' is " 'given' % reduce) loss = softplus.softplus(y) - x * y if reduce == 'sum': return sum.sum(loss) else: return loss
[docs]def gaussian_nll(x, mean, ln_var, reduce='sum'): """Computes the negative log-likelihood of a Gaussian distribution. Given two variable ``mean`` representing :math:`\\mu` and ``ln_var`` representing :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)`, this function computes in elementwise manner the negative log-likelihood of :math:`x` on a Gaussianx distribution :math:`N(\\mu, S)`, .. math:: -\\log N(x; \\mu, \\sigma^2) = \\log\\left(\\sqrt{(2\\pi)^D |S|}\\right) + \\frac{1}{2}(x - \\mu)^\\top S^{-1}(x - \\mu), where :math:`D` is a dimension of :math:`x` and :math:`S` is a diagonal matrix where :math:`S_{ii} = \\sigma_i^2`. The output is a varialbe whose value depends on the value of the option ``reduce``. If it is ``'no'``, it holds the elementwise loss values. If it is ``'sum'``, loss values are summed up. Args: x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): Input variable. mean (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A variable representing mean of a Gaussian distribution, :math:`\\mu`. ln_var (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`cupy.ndarray`): A variable representing logarithm of variance of a Gaussian distribution, :math:`\\log(\\sigma^2)`. reduce (str): Reduction option. Its value must be either ``'sum'`` or ``'no'``. Otherwise, :class:`ValueError` is raised. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: A variable representing the negative log-likelihood. If ``reduce`` is ``'no'``, the output varialbe holds array whose shape is same as one of (hence both of) input variables. If it is ``'sum'``, the output variable holds a scalar value. """ if reduce not in ('sum', 'no'): raise ValueError( "only 'sum' and 'no' are valid for 'reduce', but '%s' is " 'given' % reduce) x_prec = exponential.exp(-ln_var) x_diff = x - mean x_power = (x_diff * x_diff) * x_prec * -0.5 loss = (ln_var + math.log(2 * math.pi)) / 2 - x_power if reduce == 'sum': return sum.sum(loss) else: return loss