Source code for chainer.functions.pooling.average_pooling_nd

import numpy

import functools
import operator
import six

from chainer import cuda
from chainer.functions.pooling import average_pooling_nd_kernel
from chainer.functions.pooling import pooling_nd
from chainer import utils
from chainer.utils import conv_nd

if cuda.cudnn_enabled:
    cudnn = cuda.cudnn
    libcudnn = cudnn.cudnn
    _cudnn_version = libcudnn.getVersion()

class AveragePoolingND(pooling_nd._PoolingND):

    """Average pooling over a set of N-dimensional planes."""

    def __init__(self, ndim, ksize, stride=None, pad=0, cover_all=False,

        # TODO(takagi) Support cover_all mode.
        if cover_all is True:
            raise ValueError('`cover_all` mode is not supported yet.')

        super(AveragePoolingND, self).__init__(
            ndim, ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad, cover_all=cover_all,

    def forward_cpu(self, x):
        col = conv_nd.im2col_nd_cpu(
            x[0], self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all)

        # mean along (_, _, k_1, k_2, ..., k_N, _, ..., _)
        y_axis = tuple(six.moves.range(2, 2 + len(self.ksize)))
        y = col.mean(axis=y_axis)
        return y,

    def forward_gpu(self, x):
        if (cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn and
            # With cuDNN v3 or greater, use cuDNN implementation for inputs
            # with spatial dimensions of two or more.
            if _cudnn_version >= 3000 and self.ndim >= 2:
                return super(AveragePoolingND, self).forward_gpu(x)
            # With cuDNN v2, use cuDNN implementation only for inputs with
            # spatial dimensions of two.
            elif self.ndim == 2:
                return super(AveragePoolingND, self).forward_gpu(x)

        n, c = x[0].shape[:2]
        dims = x[0].shape[2:]
        ys = tuple(conv_nd.get_conv_outsize(d, k, s, p,
                   for (d, k, s, p) in
                       dims, self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad))
        # (n, c, y_1, y_2, ..., y_N)
        y_shape = (n, c) + ys
        y = cuda.cupy.empty(y_shape, dtype=x[0].dtype)
        coeff = 1. / functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.ksize)

        in_params, out_params, operation, name = \
        cuda.elementwise(in_params, out_params, operation, name)(
            *(dims + ys + self.ksize + self.stride + self.pad + (coeff, y)))

        return y,

    def backward_cpu(self, x, gy):
        dims = x[0].shape[2:]
        outs = gy[0].shape[2:]
        colon = slice(None, None, None)
        gy_index = (colon, colon) + (None,) * len(dims)
        gcol_reps = (1, 1) + self.ksize + (1,) * len(outs)
        gcol = numpy.tile(gy[0][gy_index], gcol_reps)
        gx = conv_nd.col2im_nd_cpu(gcol, self.stride, self.pad, dims)
        gx /= functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.ksize)
        return gx,

    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if (cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn and
            # With cuDNN v3 or greater, use cuDNN implementation for inputs
            # with spatial dimensions of two or more.
            if _cudnn_version >= 3000 and self.ndim >= 2:
                return super(AveragePoolingND, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)
            # With cuDNN v2, use cuDNN implementation only for inputs with
            # spatial dimensions of two.
            elif self.ndim == 2:
                return super(AveragePoolingND, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)

        n, c = x[0].shape[:2]
        dims = x[0].shape[2:]
        ys = gy[0].shape[2:]
        gx = cuda.cupy.empty_like(x[0])
        coeff = 1. / functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.ksize)

        in_params, out_params, operation, name = \
        cuda.elementwise(in_params, out_params, operation, name)(
            *(dims + ys + self.ksize + self.stride + self.pad + (coeff, gx)))

        return gx,

    def create_pool_desc(self):
        return cudnn.create_pooling_descriptor(
            self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad,

[docs]def average_pooling_nd(x, ksize, stride=None, pad=0, use_cudnn=True): """N-dimensionally spatial average pooling function. This function provides a N-dimensionally generalized version of :func:`~functions.average_pooling_2d`. This acts similarly to :class:`~functions.ConvolutionND`, but it computes the average of input spatial patch for each channel without any parameter instead of computing the inner products. Args: x(~chainer.Variable): Input variable. ksize (int or tuple of ints): Size of pooling window. ``ksize=k`` and ``ksize=(k, k, ..., k)`` are equivalent. stride (int or tuple of ints or None): Stride of pooling applications. ``stride=s`` and ``stride=(s, s, ..., s)`` are equivalent. If ``None`` is specified, then it uses same stride as the pooling window size. pad (int or tuple of ints): Spatial padding width for the input array. ``pad=p`` and ``pad=(p, p, ..., p)`` are equivalent. use_cudnn (bool): If ``True`` and cuDNN is enabled, then this function uses cuDNN as the core implementation. cuDNN supports more than one-dimensional pooling. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. .. note:: This function currently does not support ``cover_all`` mode as :func:`max_pooling_nd`. Average pooling runs in non-cover-all mode. """ ndim = len(x.shape[2:]) return AveragePoolingND( ndim, ksize, stride=stride, pad=pad, use_cudnn=use_cudnn)(x)