Source code for chainer.gradient_check

import warnings

import numpy
import six

from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
from chainer.functions.math import identity
from chainer import testing
from chainer import variable

def _copy_arrays(xs):
    xp = cuda.get_array_module(*xs)
    return [xp.copy(x) for x in xs]

[docs]def numerical_grad(f, inputs, grad_outputs, eps=1e-3): """Computes numerical gradient by finite differences. This function is used to implement gradient check. For usage example, see unit tests of :mod:`chainer.functions`. Args: f (function): Python function with no arguments that runs forward computation and returns the result. inputs (tuple of arrays): Tuple of arrays that should be treated as inputs. Each element of them is slightly modified to realize numerical gradient by finite differences. grad_outputs (tuple of arrays): Tuple of arrays that are treated as output gradients. eps (float): Epsilon value of finite differences. Returns: tuple: Numerical gradient arrays corresponding to ``inputs``. """ assert eps > 0 inputs = tuple(inputs) grad_outputs = tuple(grad_outputs) gpu = any(isinstance(x, cuda.ndarray) for x in inputs + grad_outputs) cpu = any(isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) for x in inputs + grad_outputs) if gpu and cpu: raise RuntimeError('Do not mix GPU and CPU arrays in `numerical_grad`') if gpu: xp = cuda.cupy else: xp = numpy grads = [xp.zeros_like(x) for x in inputs] # Test scripts always run in single thread or multi-process. prev_mode = function.Function.type_check_enable # not thread safe try: function.Function.type_check_enable = False for x, gx in, grads): for i in numpy.ndindex(x.shape): orig = x[i].copy() # hold original value x[i] = orig + eps ys1 = _copy_arrays(f()) x[i] = orig - eps ys2 = _copy_arrays(f()) x[i] = orig for y1, y2, gy in, ys2, grad_outputs): if gy is not None: dot = ((y1 - y2) * gy).sum() gx[i] += dot / (2 * eps) finally: function.Function.type_check_enable = prev_mode # not thread safe return grads
def assert_allclose(x, y, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-4, verbose=True): """Asserts if some corresponding element of x and y differs too much. This function can handle both CPU and GPU arrays simultaneously. Args: x: Left-hand-side array. y: Right-hand-side array. atol (float): Absolute tolerance. rtol (float): Relative tolerance. verbose (bool): If ``True``, it outputs verbose messages on error. """ warnings.warn( 'chainer.gradient_check.assert_allclose is deprecated.' 'Use chainer.testing.assert_allclose instead.', DeprecationWarning) testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol, rtol, verbose) def _as_tuple(x): if isinstance(x, tuple): return x elif isinstance(x, list): return tuple(x) else: return x,
[docs]def check_backward(func, x_data, y_grad, params=(), eps=1e-3, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-4, no_grads=None, dtype=None): """Test backward procedure of a given function. This function automatically check backward-process of given function. For example, when you have a :class:`~chainer.Function` class ``MyFunc``, that gets two arguments and returns one value, you can make its test like this:: >> def test_my_func(self): >> func = MyFunc() >> x1_data = xp.array(...) >> x2_data = xp.array(...) >> gy_data = xp.array(...) >> check_backward(func, (x1_data, x2_data), gy_data) This method creates :class:`~chainer.Variable` objects with ``x_data`` and calls ``func`` with the :class:`~chainer.Variable` s to get its result as :class:`~chainer.Variable`. Then, it sets ``y_grad`` array to ``grad`` attribute of the result and calls ``backward`` method to get gradients of the inputs. To check correctness of the gradients, the function calls :func:`numerical_grad` to calculate numerically the gradients and compares the types of gradients with :func:`chainer.testing.assert_allclose`. If input objects (``x1_data`` or/and ``x2_data`` in this example) represent integer variables, their gradients are ignored. You can simplify a test when ``MyFunc`` gets only one argument:: >> check_backward(func, x1_data, gy_data) If ``MyFunc`` is a loss function which returns a zero-dimensional array, pass ``None`` to ``gy_data``. In this case, it sets ``1`` to ``grad`` attribute of the result:: >> check_backward(my_loss_func, (x1_data, x2_data), None) If ``MyFunc`` returns multiple outputs, pass all gradients for outputs as a tuple:: >> gy1_data = xp.array(...) >> gy2_data = xp.array(...) >> check_backward(func, x1_data, (gy1_data, gy2_data)) You can also test a :class:`~chainer.Link`. To check gradients of parameters of the link, set a tuple of the parameters to ``params`` arguments:: >> check_backward(my_link, (x1_data, x2_data), gy_data, >> (my_link.W, my_link.b)) Note that ``params`` are not ``ndarray`` s, but :class:`~chainer.Variables` s. Function objects are acceptable as ``func`` argument:: >> check_backward(lambda x1, x2: f(x1, x2), >> (x1_data, x2_data), gy_data) .. note:: ``func`` is called many times to get numerical gradients for all inputs. This function doesn't work correctly when ``func`` behaves randomly as it gets different gradients. Args: func (callable): A function which gets :class:`~chainer.Variable` s and returns :class:`~chainer.Variable` s. ``func`` must returns a tuple of :class:`~chainer.Variable` s or one :class:`~chainer.Variable`. You can use :class:`~chainer.Function` object, :class:`~chainer.Link` object or a function satisfying the condition. x_data (ndarray or tuple of ndarrays): A set of ``ndarray`` s to be passed to ``func``. If ``x_data`` is one ``ndarray`` object, it is treated as ``(x_data,)``. y_grad (ndarray or tuple of ndarrays or None): A set of ``ndarray`` s representing gradients of return-values of ``func``. If ``y_grad`` is one ``ndarray`` object, it is treated as ``(y_grad,)``. If ``func`` is a loss-function, ``y_grad`` should be set to ``None``. params (~chainer.Variable or tuple of ~chainder.Variable): A set of :class:`~chainer.Variable` s whose gradients are checked. When ``func`` is a :class:`~chainer.Link` object, set its parameters as ``params``. If ``params`` is one :class:`~chainer.Variable` object, it is treated as ``(params,)``. eps (float): Epsilon value to be passed to :func:`numerical_grad`. atol (float): Absolute tolerance to be passed to :func:`chainer.testing.assert_allclose`. rtol (float): Relative tolerance to be passed to :func:`chainer.testing.assert_allclose`. no_grads (list of bool): Flag to skip variable for gradient assertion. It should be same length as ``x_data``. dtype (~numpy.dtype): ``x_data`` and ``y_grad`` are casted to this dtype when calculating numerical gradients. Only float types and ``None`` are allowed. See: :func:`numerical_grad` """ x_data = _as_tuple(x_data) if y_grad is not None: y_grad = _as_tuple(y_grad) params = _as_tuple(params) xs = [variable.Variable(x) for x in x_data] y = func(*xs) y = _as_tuple(y) # All creators of `y` need to be the same because we only call # `y[0].backward` to call `backward` method of the creator. # To do so we need to insert a dummy function `Ident` to the # computational graph. # Note that `func` may not be a `Function` object. y = identity.Identity()(*y) y = _as_tuple(y) if y_grad is not None: if len(y) != len(y_grad): raise ValueError( '`y_grad` must have the same length of output values') for iy, igy in, y_grad): iy.grad = igy else: if len(y) != 1: raise ValueError( 'When `y_grad` is `None`, the function must return a' 'zero-dimentional array') y_grad = (1,) # We only need to call `backward` for one result `Variable`. # `Variable.backward` method calls `Function.backward` of its creator. y[0].backward() if dtype is None: casted_xs = [variable.Variable(x) for x in x_data] else: if numpy.dtype(dtype).kind != 'f': raise ValueError('`dtype` is allowed only float type') if len(params) > 0: raise ValueError('`dtype` is available only if `params` is empty') casted_xs = [variable.Variable(x.astype(dtype, copy=False) if x.dtype.kind == 'f' else x) for x in x_data] def f(): ys = func(*casted_xs) ys = _as_tuple(ys) return tuple( for y in ys) if no_grads is None: no_grads = [x.dtype.kind != 'f' for x in xs] else: if len(no_grads) != len(xs): raise ValueError( 'Length of no_grads param and xs should be same.') for skip, x, cx in, xs, casted_xs): if skip: assert x.grad is None continue gx, = numerical_grad(f, (,), y_grad, eps=eps) testing.assert_allclose(gx, x.grad, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) if dtype is None: assert gx.dtype == x.grad.dtype else: assert gx.dtype.kind == 'f' and gx.dtype == dtype for p in params: gp, = numerical_grad(f, (,), y_grad, eps=eps) testing.assert_allclose(gp, p.grad, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) assert gp.dtype is p.grad.dtype