Source code for

import os

from chainer import computational_graph
from import extension
from chainer import variable

_var_style = {'shape': 'octagon', 'fillcolor': '#E0E0E0', 'style': 'filled'}
_func_style = {'shape': 'record', 'fillcolor': '#6495ED', 'style': 'filled'}

[docs]def dump_graph(root_name, out_name='', variable_style=None, function_style=None): """Returns a trainer extension to dump a computational graph. This extension dumps a computational graph. The graph is output in DOT language. It only dumps a graph at the first iteration by default. Args: root_name (str): Name of the root of the computational graph. The root variable is retrieved by this name from the observation dictionary of the trainer. out_name (str): Output file name. variable_style (dict): Dot node style for variables. Each variable is rendered by an octagon by default. function_style (dict): Dot node style for functions. Each function is rendered by a rectangular by default. .. seealso:: See :func:`~chainer.computational_graph.build_computational_graph` for the ``variable_style`` and ``function_style`` arguments. """ def trigger(trainer): return trainer.updater.iteration == 1 if variable_style is None: variable_style = _var_style if function_style is None: function_style = _func_style @extension.make_extension(trigger=trigger) def dump_graph(trainer): var = trainer.observation[root_name] if not isinstance(var, variable.Variable): raise TypeError('root value is not a Variable') cg = computational_graph.build_computational_graph( [var], variable_style=variable_style, function_style=function_style ).dump() out_path = os.path.join(trainer.out, out_name) # TODO(beam2d): support outputting images by the dot command with open(out_path, 'w') as f: f.write(cg) return dump_graph