Source code for

import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile

import six

from chainer import reporter
import chainer.serializer as serializer_module
from import extension
import as trigger_module

[docs]class LogReport(extension.Extension): """Trainer extension to output the accumulated results to a log file. This extension accumulates the observations of the trainer to :class:`~chainer.DictSummary` at a regular interval specified by a supplied trigger, and writes them into a log file in JSON format. There are two triggers to handle this extension. One is the trigger to invoke this extension, which is used to handle the timing of accumulating the results. It is set to ``1, 'iteration'`` by default. The other is the trigger to determine when to emit the result. When this trigger returns True, this extension appends the summary of accumulated values to the list of past summaries, and writes the list to the log file. Then, this extension makes a new fresh summary object which is used until the next time that the trigger fires. It also adds some entries to each result dictionary. - ``'epoch'`` and ``'iteration'`` are the epoch and iteration counts at the output, respectively. - ``'elapsed_time'`` is the elapsed time in seconds since the training begins. The value is taken from :attr:`Trainer.elapsed_time`. Args: keys (iterable of strs): Keys of values to accumulate. If this is None, all the values are accumulated and output to the log file. trigger: Trigger that decides when to aggregate the result and output the values. This is distinct from the trigger of this extension itself. If it is a tuple in the form ``<int>, 'epoch'`` or ``<int>, 'iteration'``, it is passed to :class:`IntervalTrigger`. postprocess: Callback to postprocess the result dictionaries. Each result dictionary is passed to this callback on the output. This callback can modify the result dictionaries, which are used to output to the log file. log_name (str): Name of the log file under the output directory. It can be a format string: the last result dictionary is passed for the formatting. For example, users can use '{iteration}' to separate the log files for different iterations. If the log name is None, it does not output the log to any file. """ def __init__(self, keys=None, trigger=(1, 'epoch'), postprocess=None, log_name='log'): self._keys = keys self._trigger = trigger_module.get_trigger(trigger) self._postprocess = postprocess self._log_name = log_name self._log = [] self._init_summary() def __call__(self, trainer): # accumulate the observations keys = self._keys observation = trainer.observation summary = self._summary if keys is None: summary.add(observation) else: summary.add({k: observation[k] for k in keys if k in observation}) if self._trigger(trainer): # output the result stats = self._summary.compute_mean() stats_cpu = {} for name, value in six.iteritems(stats): stats_cpu[name] = float(value) # copy to CPU updater = trainer.updater stats_cpu['epoch'] = updater.epoch stats_cpu['iteration'] = updater.iteration stats_cpu['elapsed_time'] = trainer.elapsed_time if self._postprocess is not None: self._postprocess(stats_cpu) self._log.append(stats_cpu) # write to the log file if self._log_name is not None: log_name = self._log_name.format(**stats_cpu) fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=log_name, dir=trainer.out) with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._log, f, indent=4) new_path = os.path.join(trainer.out, log_name) shutil.move(path, new_path) # reset the summary for the next output self._init_summary() @property def log(self): """The current list of observation dictionaries.""" return self._log def serialize(self, serializer): # Note that this serialization may lose some information of small # numerical differences. if isinstance(serializer, serializer_module.Serializer): log = json.dumps(self._log) serializer('_log', log) else: log = serializer('_log', '') self._log = json.loads(log) def _init_summary(self): self._summary = reporter.DictSummary()