Source code for

from __future__ import division
import datetime
import os
import sys
import time

from import extension
from import util
from import trigger

[docs]class ProgressBar(extension.Extension): """Trainer extension to print a progress bar and recent training status. This extension prints a progress bar at every call. It watches the current iteration and epoch to print the bar. Args: training_length (tuple): Length of whole training. It consists of an integer and either ``'epoch'`` or ``'iteration'``. If this value is omitted and the stop trigger of the trainer is :class:`IntervalTrigger`, this extension uses its attributes to determine the length of the training. update_interval (int): Number of iterations to skip printing the progress bar. bar_length (int): Length of the progress bar in characters. out: Stream to print the bar. Standard output is used by default. """ def __init__(self, training_length=None, update_interval=100, bar_length=50, out=sys.stdout): self._training_length = training_length self._status_template = None self._update_interval = update_interval self._bar_length = bar_length self._out = out self._recent_timing = [] def __call__(self, trainer): training_length = self._training_length # initialize some attributes at the first call if training_length is None: t = trainer.stop_trigger if not isinstance(t, trigger.IntervalTrigger): raise TypeError( 'cannot retrieve the training length from %s' % type(t)) training_length = self._training_length = t.period, t.unit stat_template = self._status_template if stat_template is None: stat_template = self._status_template = ( '{0.iteration:10} iter, {0.epoch} epoch / %s %ss\n' % training_length) length, unit = training_length out = self._out iteration = trainer.updater.iteration # print the progress bar if iteration % self._update_interval == 0: epoch = trainer.updater.epoch_detail recent_timing = self._recent_timing now = time.time() recent_timing.append((iteration, epoch, now)) if == 'nt': util.erase_console(0, 0) else: out.write('\033[J') if unit == 'iteration': rate = iteration / length else: rate = epoch / length bar_length = self._bar_length marks = '#' * int(rate * bar_length) out.write(' total [{}{}] {:6.2%}\n'.format( marks, '.' * (bar_length - len(marks)), rate)) epoch_rate = epoch - int(epoch) marks = '#' * int(epoch_rate * bar_length) out.write('this epoch [{}{}] {:6.2%}\n'.format( marks, '.' * (bar_length - len(marks)), epoch_rate)) status = stat_template.format(trainer.updater) out.write(status) old_t, old_e, old_sec = recent_timing[0] span = now - old_sec if span != 0: speed_t = (iteration - old_t) / span speed_e = (epoch - old_e) / span else: speed_t = float('inf') speed_e = float('inf') if unit == 'iteration': estimated_time = (length - iteration) / speed_t else: estimated_time = (length - epoch) / speed_e out.write('{:10.5g} iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: {}.\n' .format(speed_t, datetime.timedelta(seconds=estimated_time))) # move the cursor to the head of the progress bar if == 'nt': util.set_console_cursor_position(0, -4) else: out.write('\033[4A') out.flush() if len(recent_timing) > 100: del recent_timing[0] def finalize(self): # delete the progress bar out = self._out if == 'nt': util.erase_console(0, 0) else: out.write('\033[J') out.flush()