Source code for cupy.linalg.decomposition

import numpy
from numpy import linalg

import cupy
from cupy import cuda
from cupy.cuda import cublas
from cupy.cuda import device

if cuda.cusolver_enabled:
    from cupy.cuda import cusolver

[docs]def cholesky(a): '''Cholesky decomposition. Decompose a given two-dimensional square matrix into ``L * L.T``, where ``L`` is a lower-triangular matrix and ``.T`` is a conjugate transpose operator. Note that in the current implementation ``a`` must be a real matrix, and only float32 and float64 are supported. Args: a (cupy.ndarray): The input matrix with dimension ``(N, N)`` .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.linalg.cholesky` ''' if not cuda.cusolver_enabled: raise RuntimeError('Current cupy only supports cusolver in CUDA 8.0') # TODO(Saito): Current implementation only accepts two-dimensional arrays _assert_cupy_array(a) _assert_rank2(a) _assert_nd_squareness(a) # Cast to float32 or float64 if a.dtype.char == 'f' or a.dtype.char == 'd': dtype = a.dtype.char else: dtype = numpy.find_common_type((a.dtype.char, 'f'), ()).char x = a.astype(dtype, copy=True) n = len(a) handle = device.get_cusolver_handle() dev_info = cupy.empty(1, dtype=numpy.int32) if dtype == 'f': buffersize = cusolver.spotrf_bufferSize( handle, cublas.CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, n,, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float32) cusolver.spotrf( handle, cublas.CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, n,, n,, buffersize, else: # dtype == 'd' buffersize = cusolver.dpotrf_bufferSize( handle, cublas.CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, n,, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float64) cusolver.dpotrf( handle, cublas.CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, n,, n,, buffersize, status = int(dev_info[0]) if status > 0: raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'The leading minor of order {} ' 'is not positive definite'.format(status)) elif status < 0: raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'Parameter error (maybe caused by a bug in cupy.linalg?)') _tril(x, k=0) return x
[docs]def qr(a, mode='reduced'): '''QR decomposition. Decompose a given two-dimensional matrix into ``Q * R``, where ``Q`` is an orthonormal and ``R`` is an upper-triangular matrix. Args: a (cupy.ndarray): The input matrix. mode (str): The mode of decomposition. Currently 'reduced', 'complete', 'r', and 'raw' modes are supported. The default mode is 'reduced', and decompose a matrix ``A = (M, N)`` into ``Q``, ``R`` with dimensions ``(M, K)``, ``(K, N)``, where ``K = min(M, N)``. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.linalg.qr` ''' if not cuda.cusolver_enabled: raise RuntimeError('Current cupy only supports cusolver in CUDA 8.0') # TODO(Saito): Current implementation only accepts two-dimensional arrays _assert_cupy_array(a) _assert_rank2(a) if mode not in ('reduced', 'complete', 'r', 'raw'): if mode in ('f', 'full', 'e', 'economic'): msg = 'The deprecated mode \'{}\' is not supported'.format(mode) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized mode \'{}\''.format(mode)) # Cast to float32 or float64 if a.dtype.char == 'f' or a.dtype.char == 'd': dtype = a.dtype.char else: dtype = numpy.find_common_type((a.dtype.char, 'f'), ()).char m, n = a.shape x = a.transpose().astype(dtype, copy=True) mn = min(m, n) handle = device.get_cusolver_handle() dev_info = cupy.empty(1, dtype=numpy.int32) # compute working space of geqrf and ormqr, and solve R if dtype == 'f': buffersize = cusolver.sgeqrf_bufferSize(handle, m, n,, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float32) tau = cupy.empty(mn, dtype=numpy.float32) cusolver.sgeqrf( handle, m, n,, m,,, buffersize, else: # dtype == 'd' buffersize = cusolver.dgeqrf_bufferSize(handle, n, m,, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float64) tau = cupy.empty(mn, dtype=numpy.float64) cusolver.dgeqrf( handle, m, n,, m,,, buffersize, status = int(dev_info[0]) if status < 0: raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'Parameter error (maybe caused by a bug in cupy.linalg?)') if mode == 'r': r = x[:, :mn].transpose() return _triu(r) if mode == 'raw': if a.dtype.char == 'f': # The original numpy.linalg.qr returns float64 in raw mode, # whereas the cusolver returns float32. We agree that the # following code would be inappropriate, however, in this time # we explicitly convert them to float64 for compatibility. return x.astype(numpy.float64), tau.astype(numpy.float64) return x, tau if mode == 'complete' and m > n: mc = m q = cupy.empty((m, m), dtype) else: mc = mn q = cupy.empty((n, m), dtype) q[:n] = x # solve Q if dtype == 'f': buffersize = cusolver.sorgqr_bufferSize( handle, m, mc, mn,, m, workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float32) cusolver.sorgqr( handle, m, mc, mn,, m,,, buffersize, else: buffersize = cusolver.dorgqr_bufferSize( handle, m, mc, mn,, m, workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=numpy.float64) cusolver.dorgqr( handle, m, mc, mn,, m,,, buffersize, q = q[:mc].transpose() r = x[:, :mc].transpose() return q, _triu(r)
[docs]def svd(a, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True): '''Singular Value Decomposition. Factorizes the matrix ``a`` as ``u * np.diag(s) * v``, where ``u`` and ``v`` are unitary and ``s`` is an one-dimensional array of ``a``'s singular values. Args: a (cupy.ndarray): The input matrix with dimension ``(M, N)``. full_matrices (bool): If True, it returns U and V with dimensions ``(M, M)`` and ``(N, N)``. Otherwise, the dimensions of U and V are respectively ``(M, K)`` and ``(K, N)``, where ``K = min(M, N)``. compute_uv (bool): If True, it only returns singular values. .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.linalg.svd` ''' if not cuda.cusolver_enabled: raise RuntimeError('Current cupy only supports cusolver in CUDA 8.0') # TODO(Saito): Current implementation only accepts two-dimensional arrays _assert_cupy_array(a) _assert_rank2(a) # Cast to float32 or float64 if a.dtype.char == 'f' or a.dtype.char == 'd': dtype = a.dtype.char else: dtype = numpy.find_common_type((a.dtype.char, 'f'), ()).char # Remark 1: gesvd only supports m >= n (WHAT?) # Remark 2: gesvd only supports jobu = 'A' and jobvt = 'A' # Remark 3: gesvd returns matrix U and V^H # Remark 4: Remark 2 is removed since cuda 8.0 (new!) n, m = a.shape if m >= n: x = cupy.ascontiguousarray(a.astype(dtype, copy=False)) trans_flag = False else: m, n = a.shape x = cupy.ascontiguousarray(a.transpose().astype(dtype, copy=False)) trans_flag = True mn = min(m, n) if compute_uv: if full_matrices: u = cupy.empty((m, m), dtype=dtype) vt = cupy.empty((n, n), dtype=dtype) else: u = cupy.empty((mn, m), dtype=dtype) vt = cupy.empty((mn, n), dtype=dtype) u_ptr, vt_ptr =, else: u_ptr, vt_ptr = 0, 0 # Use nullptr s = cupy.empty(mn, dtype=dtype) handle = device.get_cusolver_handle() dev_info = cupy.empty(1, dtype=numpy.int32) if compute_uv: job = ord('A') if full_matrices else ord('S') else: job = ord('N') if dtype == 'f': buffersize = cusolver.sgesvd_bufferSize(handle, m, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=dtype) cusolver.sgesvd( handle, job, job, m, n,, m,, u_ptr, m, vt_ptr, n,, buffersize, 0, else: # dtype == 'd' buffersize = cusolver.dgesvd_bufferSize(handle, m, n) workspace = cupy.empty(buffersize, dtype=dtype) cusolver.dgesvd( handle, job, job, m, n,, m,, u_ptr, m, vt_ptr, n,, buffersize, 0, status = int(dev_info[0]) if status > 0: raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'SVD computation does not converge') elif status < 0: raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'Parameter error (maybe caused by a bug in cupy.linalg?)') # Note that the returned array may need to be transporsed # depending on the structure of an input if compute_uv: if trans_flag: return u.transpose(), s, vt.transpose() else: return vt, s, u else: return s
def _assert_cupy_array(*arrays): for a in arrays: if not isinstance(a, cupy.core.ndarray): raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'cupy.linalg only supports cupy.core.ndarray') def _assert_rank2(*arrays): for a in arrays: if a.ndim != 2: raise linalg.LinAlgError( '{}-dimensional array given. Array must be ' 'two-dimensional'.format(a.ndim)) def _assert_nd_squareness(*arrays): for a in arrays: if max(a.shape[-2:]) != min(a.shape[-2:]): raise linalg.LinAlgError( 'Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square') def _tril(x, k=0): m, n = x.shape u = cupy.arange(m).reshape(m, 1) v = cupy.arange(n).reshape(1, n) mask = v - u <= k x *= mask return x def _triu(x, k=0): m, n = x.shape u = cupy.arange(m).reshape(m, 1) v = cupy.arange(n).reshape(1, n) mask = v - u >= k x *= mask return x